[TenTec] [Ten-Tec-Omni-VII] TEN-TEC SSB Net Has Growing Pains
Bob McGraw - K4TAX
RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Mon May 7 18:37:01 PDT 2012
Comments from here in TN.
Yes many times 20M nets will utilize multiple stations acting as net control or as net liaison stations. The net control actually calls up the net, identify the liaison stations and in 5 to 15 minute intervals switch to them in some sequence thus to pick up other stations. Just takes a bit of cooperation and coordinating to make it work.
I vote for staying at 14.245 +/- QRM {a must as no one owns a frequency} and stay for 4PM EST. Also, stations should use correct procedure when breaking net control and should not start a QSO on net frequency. Even should a station not hear net control, with rotation of liaison stations, I would expect all to be heard and thus relayed to net control and if and as necessary any questions be handled.
As to this past Sunday and the "net" on 14.245 and the "net" on 14.246 for this to happen my comment is.......dang good receivers I'd say!
We seem to have a good thing going, lets strive to keep it that way and make it better.
Bob, K4TAX
----- Original Message -----
From: John Occhipinti
To: Ten-Tec-Omni-VII at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 6:35 PM
Subject: [Ten-Tec-Omni-VII] TEN-TEC SSB Net Has Growing Pains
As requested by Brian K0EOU, I am forwarding an email that he sent to me
today. You can scroll down to read it after you read my comments, that
reflect on his email to me.
After a 2 year absence, the TEN-TEC SSB Net has exceeded expectations for
participation and just like anything else that is new or newly revived, the
Net is experiencing growning pains.
It has been called to my attention that there were (2) two TEN-TEC SSB Nets
taking place yesterday, simultaneously on both 14.245 and 14.246 and to my
surprise the 15 people on 14.245 did not hear the other 15 people on 14.246
and visa versa.
Due to the fact that I am located in the Atlanta, GA Area, I cannot hear
anyone in the South and they cannot hear me on 20 meters. During the past 3
weeks of running the Net, I have repeatedly asked for any relay stations to
pick up people that I could not hear.
I am using 3 different antennas; a Quad, a Full Wave Loop and a Vertical and
I usually run 1000 watts, but can up it to 1500 if I have to. But, the name
of the game is PROPAGATION.
If I continue to be the Net Control, I will need at least 2 dependable relay
stations from the NORTH (1 from MN and 1 from MI). I also will need 2
dependable relay stations from the NORTHEAST (1 from VT and I from NY or
NJ). These are the directions that are always the strongest to me.
In order not to offend anyone here, I am requesting that several people from
these areas contact me by personal email, so we can coordinate this in a
fair an expeditious manner. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.
Thank you.
John, K3UR
Net Control, TEN-TEC SSB Net
John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
The Setup Specialist, W2IHY Audio Gear
k3ur at att.net
The Voice of Atlanta
PLEASE read Brians email to me below:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Wermager" <bwermager at charter.net>
To: <k3ur at att.net>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 12:19 PM
Subject: sunday's Ten-Tec net
> Hi John -
> I was surprised to hear that we actually had two nets going at the same
> time, with neither one hearing the other. I was on 14.245 and w5dxc was
> calling for check-ins. He had a few, and then asked me to ask for
> check-ins. We had serveral, and were able to help a couple of them with
> Omni VII problems. Here are the ones I listed:
> w5dxc
> w4to
> k0eou
> wa4thr
> wi6t
> ai4ja
> w1jhc
> n4dkd
> kq4ar
> k4tax
> k4vae
> wa4off
> n8tje
> k4yob
> w5bxe
> We had a very clear frequency, and were not bothered by any qrm except
> two stations from Europe that were way down in the background. The 20
> meter band is evidently very selective in propagation. My guess is that
> there may have been others looking around for the net that could not hear
> either group. These stations that checked in on 14.245 should probably be
> listed together with the ones you had so they are acknowledged as having
> checked into the Ten-Tec net.
> I will not be able to check in very often, and am not enterested in
> being any net control or anything. But it seems obvious that there are
> many (from 4-land especially) that want to check in and are not able to
> hear you. So it would seem a good idea for someone in the upper midwest to
> help gather check-ins to the net.
> This email is to you directly and not to the Ten-Tec group, so you may
> want to share these calls with the group.
> All the best,
> 73
> Brian - k0eou
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