[TenTec] Radial Research

Steve Berg wa9jml at tbc.net
Sat May 19 08:31:12 PDT 2012

I started out in 1963 with a Gotham V-80 vertical with no radials and 
several pieces of conduit driven into the clay for a ground system. 
Amazingly, I was actually able to make some contacts with that antenna. 
  Over the years, I have experimented quite a bit with antennas, 
especially verticals.  One of my bosses, who has a Ph.D. in microwave 
engineering, and is a whiz at electromagnetics taught me a great deal 
about how vertical antennas actually work.  He is the one who showed me 
that ground return losses make VSWR appear better, while reducing 
antenna efficiency considerably.

I have used Hustler trap verticals on masts above my house, and with 
tuned radials on the dacron guy ropes to good effect.  I have also used 
them on the ground with lots of radials, also to good effect.  Some 
years back, while I was a starving graduate student, a friend gave me a 
used Hy-Gain DX-88 trap vertical.  I put it out in the back yard with 24 
18 foot radials, and let the grass grow up and bury the radials.  It 
worked out very well.  Later, I decided to improve it a bit, and bought 
the DX Engineering radial plate.  Then, I bought about 2,000 feet of 
their radial wire and a lot of the biodegradable staples to hold down 
the wire in the grass.  So, right now, I have roughly 2,500 feet of wire 
hidden in the back yard.  With that radial plate, it is very easy to 
hook up radial wires.  My lot is small, and is on the side of a hill.  I 
am blocked to the west and north by the house and the hill.  My 
expectations of this antenna were not much, as it is shielded in so many 
directions.  Instead, it has worked out far better than I ever could 
have been expected.  I normally run QRP, and occasionally will fire up 
the Corsair II and brave pileups that my 5 watt Argonaut II cannot 
break.  The antenna is not very efficient on 80 meters, but I still make 
plenty of contacts on it, especially with 100 watts.  On 40 and above, 
it works very well, and I have been able to work a fair amount of DX, 
including some of the South Pacific DXpeditions, even with 5 watts.  I 
am not sure how I did that, as there are plenty of obstructions in the 
way of that propagation path.  I sure would like to be able to put up a 
decent array of towers and beams, but that is not possible on this lot. 
  I do have a tower with 6 and 2 meter beams on it, but it is too close 
to the lot line for anything bigger.

I quit using the mast mounted vertical here due to lightning concerns, 
but this ground mounted vertical works well enough to keep be active, 
and the amount of effort needed to install it was not more than a few 
weekends.  With those biodegradable staples, the radials disappeared in 
a matter of months, and are now invisible,  I have not hit any of the 
radials with the lawn mower using this system.  For those of us on 
limited budgets, and with modest space, trap verticals, with some care 
can do a fine job.


Steve WA9JML

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