[TenTec] Jupiter with ALS 600

Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Mon May 28 06:13:13 PDT 2012

John, when I try the link, I get "The page you are looking for could not be
found." (iE)
And.. "Oops! Google chrome could not connect to www.ad5x.com"
And finally Firefox says "The connection has timed out".

I've been having this problem for some weeks now.

However I just found it in the ARRL archive: 2009.
Search on AD5X and 2009.  It comes up as the second article on the list.

Rick, DJ0IP

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of John Huffman
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 2:42 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter with ALS 600

Rick -

The latest link on the ALS600 didn't work, but the one I sent covering both
ALS500 and ALS600 was fine this morning.

73 de K1ESE

On 5/28/2012 8:31 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> Does this link work for you guys?
> I haven't been able to access Phil's website for quite some time now...
> The same article was also in QST about 2 years ago.
> If you are an arrl member, you can access it there in their archives.
> Just search on AD5X or Phil Salas in 2010.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of John Huffman
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 1:46 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Jupiter with ALS 600
> John -
> Rick has given you excellent advice.  Once you are done with that, add 
> QSK for about $10 -
> http://www.ad5x.com/images/Presentations/QSKals500als600RevE.pdf
> 73 de K1ESE
> John
> On 5/28/2012 7:17 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
>> John,
>> Here are the steps for using the ALS 600 with the Jupiter:
>> - First, buy your XYL some flowers and give a hug and a kiss and say tnx.
>> Then kiss her again and tell her that one's from Rick.  Now continue 
>> below...
>> - Then read your manual, page 3-5, paragraph 3.15.  This explains 
>> operation with a non-QSK amplifier. You have to adjust a menu 
>> function called  EXT T/R DELAY.  I would start with a delay of about 
>> 1/2 second.  You didn't tell us if you work CW, SSB, or both.  For 
>> SSB it's a non-issue anyway.  It's CW where you can get hot switching 
>> problems
> if you are not careful.
>> - Study the drawing in Figure 3-1 at the bottom of page 3-6.  This 
>> shows you how to connect your Jupiter to the ALS 600.  All you need 
>> is a shielded cable with a male RCA Phono plug on each end.
>> - After connecting as shown in Figure 3-1, and making the necessary 
>> adjustment to EXT T/R DELAY, you are ready to "LAUDENBOOMER."
>> - No Ten-Tec transceiver has an ALC connection.  Don't worry about it.
>> Just adjust your transceiver's mic gain and compressor as described 
>> in the book and you will have no problems.  The adjustment of the 
>> "ALC SET" on the front panel of the ALS 600 will have no influence on 
>> your operations.  It doesn't matter where it is adjusted to.
>> The ALS 600 is a good little amp.  I had one for a few years and used 
>> it with my Omni VI.  I wish I had never sold it!
>> Have fun!
>> Rick, DJ0IP
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
>> On Behalf Of john brown
>> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 1:46 AM
>> To: tentec at contesting.com; n2ydf at hotmail.com
>> Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter with ALS 600
>> Hi , Everyone 1st time using the list. I have just received from my 
>> wife, an ALS 600 amp (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) and am looking for info, on how 
>> to set it up with my Jupiter. I know Ameritron sells a ARB Relay 
>> Interface, but they do not list a cable for Ten Tec. Is the interface 
>> necessary? Do I need to make up a cable? If I recall correctly, the 
>> Jupiter does not have an external ALC output. Any help would be 
>> greatly
> appreciated. TNX John Brown, N2YDF .
>> E mail / N2YDF at Hotmail.Com 		 	   		
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