[TenTec] 566 v3.029 and 707 Regal mic

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 14:05:05 EST 2012

Just a few comments:

1.  I only use 3900hz tx BW when I'm on AM.  It might be worth
checking whether you are actually gaining any tx fidelity in SSB by
increasing from 3.0 to 3.9Khz on the Orion.

2.  TX EQ 0 DB sounds VERY bassy to me, but perhaps it depends on the
mic.  I keep TX EQ between -10 and -15dB

I agree on turning off SP.  If you do run SP on the Orion, it's
important to minimize the bass content of the audio going into the
processor.  The processor won't work correctly if there's too much low
freq content - you can hear it in the monitor.

Barry N1EU

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:06 AM,  <Rsoifer at aol.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm still playing around with Orion II settings for the 707 Regal
> microphone, using v3.029 firmware.  My best for SSB so far are:
> MIC 55
> H/W MIC GAIN 14 dB
> SP 2
> L.F. ROLLOFF 200 Hz
> TX FILTER BW 3900 Hz
> TX EQ 0 dB
> If conditions permit, turn off the SP entirely.  It will sound even better.
> Does anyone have a better idea?
> 73 Ray W2RS
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