[TenTec] Century 22 Info
Bwana Bob
wb2vuf at verizon.net
Wed Oct 3 19:58:09 EDT 2012
Me too. I can't leave anything alone.
Check and see if you have the filter mod. If the receive audio peaks at
too high a frequency, you need the mod.
Other fixes and mods that I know about:
Because of reliability problems, Ten-Tec replaced the MRF-476 drivers
and MRF-475 final with 2SC1969 transistors.
If you don't have the built-in calibrator, Mike Bryce WB8VGE has a kit
that will fit.
Likewise, the internal keyer can be duplicated because it is a simple
circuit or one of the many keyer-on-a-chip kits can be installed.
If you have low drive on 80 meters only, try peaking the "null" pot on
the osc/mixer/bandpass board, while transmitting into a dummy load. It
is best to do this with a 30 MHz 'scope, because Ten-Tec says that the
pot should be tuned for minimum waveform distortion.
One mod I'd like to add is an external digital display. The analog dial
could be replaced with a small digital display, but I wouldn't do this
because it would destroy the classic character if the rig.
On 10/2/2012 9:32 PM, Timothy Randa wrote:
> Thanks Bob...I guess I'm always looking to make things better
> 73 de Tim
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Bwana Bob <wb2vuf at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Tim:
>> I'm not aware of any mods other than changing the caps in the audio filter
>> to correct a design error (the filter was tuned to the wrong frequency).
>> This is on the Ten-Tec wiki. I found bias adjust instructions on a British
>> web site. I don't know of any other mods.
>> 73,
>> Bob WB2VUF
>> On 9/29/2012 12:44 PM, Tim Randa wrote:
>>> Is there a web site with all the mods for the Century 22? I understand
>>> the factory issued several service bulletins and have found some notes of
>>> mods here and there on the web. Just hoping that there was one location
>>> that might have all this info together.
>>> 73 de Tim K0FL
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