[TenTec] Station power supply??

Floyd Rodgers kc5qbc at swbell.net
Mon Sep 3 21:40:44 EDT 2012

I've blown several regulator chips in my 35a. Last time around I just 
bought a handful. Simple fix since it is socketted. I hear if you tie 
the negative terminal to the case/ground, it ends the problem that kills 
the regulator, but it also means you can no longer run two units in 
series to get 24v if needed.
I went a different path for shack power using two 100ah deep cycles and 
a 40a rv inverter supply (not a switcher!). Works well since the radios 
stay up for about 5 days after the AC mains go down. It also takes care 
of the occasional 60a loads the astron could not handle. .

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