[TenTec] Balancing Orion 565 VFO knobs

Michael Cheponis Michael at Cheponis.Com
Mon Sep 24 19:04:51 EDT 2012

I have a 566, and the knobs are perfectly balanced.

You can push on the sliver apron to adjust knob friction -- I have mine set
to minimum.

You can also take them off and re-set the setscrew.  You can remove and
re-adjust and clean the rubber giant "O" ring that you grab on to turn it.

I also have the remote knob, and it is also velvet smooth.

Visitors to my shack are amazed at how nice the 566 feels and shows and
performs; one ham said "I didn't know Ten-Tec made stuff like this!"

-Mike K3MC

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:27 PM, shristov <shristov at ptt.rs> wrote:

> Has anyone suceeded in balancing Orion 565 VFO knobs?
> On my Orion 565, both VFO knobs (when left to themselves) return
> to the same angular position, which is precisely the same on both encoder
> shafts.
> I'd guess this means that VFO knobs are actually cast unbalanced,
> and no attempt is made to balance them later.
> 73,
> Sinisa VE3EA, YT1NT
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