[TenTec] TCXO install

elespe at lisco.com elespe at lisco.com
Sat Aug 3 20:02:06 EDT 2013

I just hated to drill the extra holes in otherwise un touched radio
When I design a retrofit board IK0UYA try real hard to make it look factory
I assume you mean Inrad not Inland?
I have the 2.8 filters from Inrad and if you like a good sounding radio
you will LOVE those filters but if you do I will caution you to change the
carrier balance pots to multi turn type or you will NEVER get the carrier
supression adjusted.
I did not do the audio mod which really only lowers the notch freq to low
end of pass band, I just leave mine set on the high end---radio is too
hissy anyway.
I opted to spend $10 for a miniature hi fi speaker that fits the existing
cutout so I can have good sound from the internal speaker.
All in all a really nice rig for ssb now.

> Thanks so much Paul.  I like what you did on the install.  Mine has not
> failed after all these years.  Just upgrading to stay out of trouble since
> they don't make the oven any longer.
> Yeah I guess it does look like a slap dash kind of approach to this
> Upgrade, but it does work well.
> Next is the Inland audio fix. I also got the opt 3 done years ago and like
> that very much.
> Don
> Sent from my Nexus 7
> On Aug 3, 2013 5:28 PM, "Paul Kraemer" <elespe at lisco.com> wrote:
>> Don
>> I just got my kit too!
>> Not the greatest instructions are they?  And, it appears the schematic
>> is
>> not quite correct on the original board---but I digress
>> The center of the coax goes to the used to be capacitor pad farther from
>> the rear edge of the board.  The routing is to the micro and the divider
>> circuit
>> The shield of the coax goes to ground altho they do not say where.  I am
>> using an adjacent long resistor leg that is to ground
>> Also, I am inclined to add a ground wire to the vacant pin of the two
>> pin
>> connector of the TCXO board so it doesn't rely on the signal coax shield
>> and mechanical connection to ground
>> Pity seems to me they didn't invest 15 minutes of engineering to make
>> this
>> board plug in to the logic board by a few well placed pins in the
>> connection points
>> My crystal oven burned to crisp and shorted the 12v to ground.  How did
>> yours fail, or just upgrading?
>> Paul K0UYA
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Scippa" <dscippa at gmail.com>
>> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2013 2:24 PM
>> Subject: [TenTec] TCXO install
>>  Hi all,
>>> New to the list. Just about to install the TCXO kit in the Omni 6 but
>>> the
>>> instructions seem a bit unclear.
>>> It says to remove the cap(I assume this is C10) and connect the coax.
>>> What they failed to mention was where
>>> the two leads get connected(center and shield). I could take out the
>>> whole board to trace it out but I thought
>>> I would ask here and save myself a lot of work.
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Don
>>> K8EAA
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