[TenTec] Herc 2 LP Cap?

John Huffman hjohnc at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 16:04:09 EDT 2013

Jim -

The data sheet was referenced by the caps I bought.  They are here -

It says 6KV under description.  I can't find ESR.  What was the ESR of 
the caps you bought?   It would be nice to know the supplier you used so 
that I could order some.

Why wouldn't Ten Tec mention this?

73 de K1ESE

On 8/27/2013 3:43 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> The caps on this data sheet are rated for 50VDC or 500VDC. I see 
> nothing that indicates they are designed to handle power.  Are these 
> in the input circuit or the output circuit?
> Data sheets for caps designed to handle significant current and will 
> say so, and will talk about low ESR, or have graphs showing current 
> ratings.
> About a year ago, I bought 18 of this sort of cap to build W3NQN 
> filters conservatively rated for 200W. I paid an average of about $4 
> for a wide range of values, some larger, some smaller, than 100 pF.  
> They came from a vendor in the UK, where Bob, 5B4AGN found them.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> On 8/27/2013 11:31 AM, John Huffman wrote:
>> Jim -
>> That is the only information Ten Tec service gave me.  Here is the 
>> data sheet -
>> http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/188/XC-600144-198731.pdf
>> I see no reference to ESR.  Ten Tec didn't say anything about ESR. 
>> How would I tell the ESR of the capacitor?  How would I find the ESR 
>> of the ones used by Ten Tec?  What would you do?
>> 73 de K1ESE
>> John
>> On 8/27/2013 11:31 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>>> On 8/27/2013 6:06 AM, John Huffman wrote:
>>>> I searched Mouser and found some discs at 100PF and 6KV. 
>>> I would not be at all confident that the caps you found will work. 
>>> There is the issue of equivalent series resistance -- ESR -- which 
>>> dissipates power if the cap is carrying current, which it certainly 
>>> is.  I bought a bunch of HV caps without knowing this spec for them, 
>>> and lived to regret it. Luckily they were in an antenna matching 
>>> network where it was easy to see them smoking. :)
>>> 73, Jim K9YC
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