[TenTec] Corsair-II annual maintenance

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Tue Feb 5 02:51:37 EST 2013

Good!    Now you can enjoy that heady sense of self-satisfaction that 
comes form competing an successful repair project.   I bet you are 
feeling pretty stud today !

Me too...    With some guidance from a local ham who maintains our 
17-site linked repeater system, I recently sorted out my  (Bleep -!%$#) 
  TenTec 1254   receiver kit, which NOW WORKS !   It still requires a 
little more tuning and adjustment, but at least I now know why it passed 
all diagnostic tests, but failed to play after it was mounted in the 

So, I share the feeling of exaltation !

Happy days, Gary.

---------------------- K8JHR  -----------------------

On 2/4/2013 2:55 PM, GARY HUBER wrote:

> Today was the day to take the CORSAIR-II out of service, open it up, replace the dimming, flickering S-meter lamp with a BA9S 12 Volt LED replacement. While I had it open, I also wiped the pins of the display driver board and the logic boards with a Q-Tip dampened with CAIG DeoxIT Gold. Now it looks factory new again!



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