John Occhipinti
k3ur at att.net
Tue Feb 5 05:29:29 EST 2013
I want to thank Alan N8FL, John KC2QMA, Rick N4ASX and Bill N8OP, for securing 7.260 for us yesterday. When I came into my hamshack at 19:50 UTC, these guys were holding down 7.260 and I decided to join them and by 20:00 UTC net time, I had already checked in 25 stations.
There was a total of 83 people who checked into the 40 meter net yesterday. Obviously there were others who tried and could not be heard. We had other stations with large wire antennas listening for any weak stations and the total above also reflects ones that were relayed to me by Lloyd N2KPC. Yes, we always ask for relays!
The 20 meter net followed at 21:00 UTC on 14.325 and 86 people checked in. Again, obviously from many emails I received, there were others who were calling and could not be heard. Again, we had several stations with large antennas and directional beams that were panning from WEST to NORTHWEST to NORTH, to NORTHEAST and EAST and the number above reflects those that I heard and others that were relayed to me.
Because of propagation, smaller antennas and running barefoot, certain people could not be heard and I feel very bad for those and wish that there was a solution.
The TEN-TEC 40 meter and 20 meter SSB nets are experiencing growing pains right now and we are taking into consideration a multitude of suggestions that reach my email and it usually comes right after the nets are over each Sunday.
To favor one person, group or area usually offends some other person, group or area. We have attempted to be fair to everyone on both nets. There is no contest here, there is no favortism being shown to anyone or group or area.
My question is, where have all the TEN-TEC users been the past few years without a TEN-TEC net? Who have they looked to for technical help? These are simple and fair questions for me to ask. I am probably one of the newest TEN-TEC radio owners (March 2012) and when I contacted many about the TEN-TEC net, I was told that it was abandoned several years ago because the net control took a job at another radio company. I was shocked to hear that there wasn't any TEN-TEC net.
As the former net control for the Yaesu FT-2000 net for several years, where I would check in several hundred people each net, I decided to ask some of the TEN-TEC users to get together and this is how I became net control of the TEN-TEC nets in April 2012.
No one else came forward to take it and Jim Wharton NO4A Vice President TEN-TEC INC. told me to take the net and be the new net control in April 2012.
The certificate program was Jim Wharton's idea and I agreed to take on the added responsibility of compling a Data Base for the certificate program. This is not a contest or a gimmick, this was initiated by Jim to reward TEN-TEC operators for their continued support of their products and I fully agreed with him.
Next item to be addressed: When I start calling for specific CALL AREAS, I am going to ask if anyone has a question or problem with a TEN-TEC product. If and when anyone responds, I will find out who can help them and have them go to another frequency and to return when they are finished. Some may say that this is not fair, but I say that this is expedient for the rest of the group that wants to check in.
To those who are experiencing a problem, there are several avenues to proceed with. The best place is to post the problem on any of the 4 Yahoo TEN-TEC Groups, where a multitude of operators are ready to respond with assistance. They can also contact Bob K4TAX, who is very erudite when it comes to TEN-TEC radios. Bob is also a BETA TESTER for TEN-TEC. They can also contact John Henry, TEN-TEC engineer or other tech support specialists at the TEN-TEC company. Thank you for your time, consideration and support.
John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
Net Control, TEN-TEC SSB Nets
The Voice of Atlanta
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