[TenTec] [TenTec_Eagle] TEN-TEC 40 Meter & 20 Meter SSB Nets Today (Sunday)

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Sun Feb 17 16:09:04 EST 2013

The 40M net went smooth today.   However, the 20M net........as net control called for stations 6th call area or 7th call area, stations in GA and TN and NY called in.  When did TN, GA and NY move to the 6th or 7th call area?     Come on guys, listen to NCS.  It will be better for all and everyone will get their due turn to check in.

Bob, K4TAX

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: John Occhipinti 
  To: tentec at contesting.com ; tentec at mailman.qth.net ; TenTec_539 at yahoogroups.com ; TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com ; TenTec at yahoogroups.com ; Ten-Tec-Omni-VII at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 9:06 AM
  Subject: [TenTec_Eagle] TEN-TEC 40 Meter & 20 Meter SSB Nets Today (Sunday)


  The TEN-TEC 40 meter SSB net will meet at 20:00 UTC (3PM Eastern Time) today (Sunday) on 7.260 LSB and the 20 meter net will follow at 21:00 UTC (4PM Eastern Time) on 14.325 USB.

  I am requesting for several people to secure these frequencies prior to net time.

  We want to assure everyone that both nets are always open for discussion, questions or suggestions. All anyone has to do is to break in and request this anytime during the nets.

  This could be the day when several members of both nets can reach the magic number of 10 checkins for their first certificate from TEN-TEC. Thank you,

  John, K3UR

  John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
  Net Control, TEN-TEC SSB Nets
  The Voice of Atlanta

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