[TenTec] Fw: Fw: 68 Group Sunday's

John Occhipinti k3ur at att.net
Tue Feb 26 20:09:02 EST 2013

I am forwarding an email that was sent to both me and the TEN-TEC Contest 
Group. Before drawing any conclusions please read my original post to all 5 
of the TEN-TEC Yahoo Groups, which also includes the TEN-TEC Contest Group, 
that I sent on Sunday when we concluded our 40 meter and 20 meter nets.

Take note that this past Sunday the 40 meter band was wall-to-wall with 
special event stations and contestors, and I was fortunate to find an 
opening on 7.270 at 1:30 PM Eastern Time (1 and 1/2 hours before our 
scheduled net time). If I waited any longer I would have been unable to 
conduct our 40 meter net.

 Before calling CQ, I listened on each side of the frequency and there was 
no activity 4 Khz on each side of 7.260. When I called CQ, several of our 
TEN-TEC net members responded and I proceeded to take checkins and we ended 
up with 80 people checking into the net, amid a lot of noise and spectral 

The TEN-TEC Official Website advertises both the 20 meter and 40 meter nets 
as 7.260 + or -, and 14.325 + or -, which means that neither TEN-TEC Inc. or 
the TEN-TEC SSB nets owns these frequencies. I have moved our nets off of 
these frequencies many times when other people were on or near these 
frequencies and I never complained.

But, in all due respect for the 7.268 group coordinator who sent a friendly 
email and post, he insinuated that 7.268 belongs to his group (his exact 
words were, "the 68 Group meets each day on 7268 from 3-5 pm Eastern". I was 
not aware of his net and we were on that frequency 1 and 1/2 hours before 
his net starts.

Some people need a refresher course in the FCC Rules Part 97.101b which 
states, "Each station licensee and each control operator must cooperate in 
selecting transmitting channels and in making the most effective use of the 
amateur service frequencies. No frequency will be assigned for the exclusive 
use of any station". The FCC rules clearly state that all amateur 
frequencies are shared among amateurs and that cooperation is the key to 
effective use of the bands.

I also just received another personal email from someone who sent me a link 
that had 93 different advertised nets on the HF bands. I believe that I 
played very fair on Sunday by not starting our net on 7.260, when it and 
many other frequencies near it were having their special event activities.

The TEN-TEC SSB nets are operated each week as a service to all TEN-TEC 
operators and many others who choose to check in. We have shown much 
patience in the midst of controversy and I want to thank all of our TEN-TEC 
members for showing the same patience and understanding.

I was in contact with Jim Wharton NO4A, Vice President TEN-TEC, Inc. today 
and he told me that the first 10 Certificates are in the mail and the new 11 
qualifiers this week will be getting their certificates shortly. 
Congratulations to the 21 operators!

John, K3UR

John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
Net Control, TEN-TEC SSB Nets
The Voice of Atlanta

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <lmdougherty at peoplepc.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 3:33 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Fw: 68 Group Sunday's

>> Hi Friends
>> The 68 Group meets each day on 7268 from 3-5 pm Eastern.
>>I see your group is on 7260, this past Sunday your group was on 7270, that 
>>caused the 68 a group 40-60 operators each afternoon to move our group.
>>In the future could you use another frequency farther removed form the 
>>7268 the interference was intense.
>>It is nice to be a good neighbor.
>>73 Larry Kn8i 7268 Net coordinator
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