[TenTec] Transverter or separate rig?

Rodney w3krq at dejazzd.com
Mon Jan 7 13:47:36 EST 2013

I use a ten tec 20 in 6m out runs 8watts I get a lot of contacts when band 

-----Original Message----- 
From: jack at w9owo.com
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 3:39 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Transverter or separate rig?


I'm new to the reflector and also to Orion II.  I am currently keeping my
FT-950 for use on 6 Meters but I question the wisdom, since I am not using
it for anything else.  Question is:  should I consider a transverter for
the O2 or would I be better off with another rig?  I also have a separate
rig for 2 meters.

Any suggestions or advice from your experience with either would be

I apologize in advance for not responding to each individual reply.

73, Jack-W9OWO
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