[TenTec] Fair Market Price for Omni VI+ will all filters&matching PS ?

Don Allen w9cw at w9cw.com
Thu Jan 10 22:32:59 EST 2013


Most unfortunately, internal birdies wouldn't be a problem here at my 
QTH, as I've been fighting a S8 to S9 level line noise problem for 
years, and the power utility can't seem to fix it.  And now, due to the 
proliferation of plasma TVs owned by two of my adjoining neighbors, a 
S9+ raspy noise level is a constant!  It makes operating extremely 
frustrating, and frankly, almost impossible.  If only I lived in the 

Don W9CW

On 1/10/2013 1:00 PM, Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
> it is just so annoying to do weak signal work where one listens and 
> listens and only discover it is a darn internal birdie about the noise 
> floor level. Just the nature of crystal mixing radios.  They all have 
> them, some worse than others, no brands/models exempted. 

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