[TenTec] Centurion Amp For Sale

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Tue Jul 23 07:41:15 EDT 2013

In deciding the necessity of downsizing my station, I am offering my personal Centurion amp for sale.  Model 422 purchased new from Tentec by me in March 1996.  The amp is very clean, no scratches, no dings, original manual , no boxes, and it is fully operational with the 10 M band filter installed.  Never used in a contest environment and always used by me for casual ragchewing on SSB and CW in QSK mode with the Omni VII.   Always kept and used in a non smoking environment in a residential setting. 

 *** I prefer NOT to pack an ship.  For mine, $2200 and I will deliver within 150 miles or $2100 and you pick up at my QTH.    

Contact me off list or direct.


RMcGraw at Blomand.net

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