[TenTec] which balun?

Richards jrichards at k8jhr.com
Sun Jul 28 00:02:44 EDT 2013


1)  I use a 4:1 Balun Designs 4114ocf  on my 40-10 meter OCF dipole.

2)  I use a DX-Engineering 4:1 Un-Un on my 43 ft vertical, when it is 
set for 43 feet, and no balun at all when I lower it to a 33 ft 40 m 
ground plane antenna.

I considered a feed line choke... but DX-E was emphatic it 	would not be 
necessary,  and while I see no adverse result therefrom, I wonder 
whether a feed line choke would still be a good idea, and I may try one 
anyway.  In contrast, I wonder why I should purchase a solution without 
first having a problem...

3)  I use a  Cal-AV EB-2 Line Isolation Choke (purchased from Array 
Solutions) on my rotatable dipoles made of aluminum tubing.  (I see 
these no longer appear on the Array Solutions web site...)

4)   I have also used the Cal-AV EB-2 Line Isolation Choke on my 
elevated vertical ground plane antennas, although I have been fortunate 
that I cannot see any advantage with or without it, and a lack of 
problems is always a welcome condition.

-------------------  K8JHR  --------------------

On 7/27/2013 10:59 AM, denton sprague wrote:
> Thought would start a little poll..
> Which balun are you using with your 238 series TT tuners and multi band antenna?
> Currently, I use a balun designs 4214t 4:1 balun to feed my 80 meter horizontal loop…with 450 ohm feeders.
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