[TenTec] RF Speech Processor "TX IMD"

Richards jrichards at k8jhr.com
Sun Jun 16 14:02:39 EDT 2013

OK.  You need a page about this on your web site, with one of your world 
famous spread sheets  (ala your tuner spec report) and that will be a 
start.  I forget how many Arlo Guthrie says makes a "movement" ...  ;-)

In retrospect,... maybe Bob has a better idea than we first thought.

Although I favor laissez faire economics, and less gov-mt intrusion 
overall, perhaps it would not exactly hurt if the FCC promulgated a 
clean transmitter standard, something like the amplifier purity 
standards ... you know... like the German (Reinheitsgebot) beer purity 
law... that mandates transceivers must meet a minimum, but sufficiently 
strict, standard for spectral purity and accuracy - like they do with 
linear amplifiers - and maybe provide a limit on bandwidth  (yep, that 
should start a fist fight...)  and mandate clean, narrow banded signals 
with minimal splatter.    (I am speaking generally here - I am not an 
expert on this... sure got kicked on the processor issue...)     :-)

So, perhaps, a new regulation on the matter might be helpful - it would 
elicit a more prompt response from manufacturers than our market 
pressure plan.

Again, while I don't favor gov-mt action, perhaps it couldn't hurt in 
this case.  Let me know when you get your new clean transmitter page on 
the web site.

--------------------  K8JHR  ------------------

On 6/16/2013 5:23 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

  > HERE IS HOW WE START:  Let's read up on the specs of the various 
filthy rigs
> that have come out in the past 3 years and let's start publically talking
> about them and warn people not to buy them.  Let's make it clear that these
> specific rigs, driving a linear amplifier are producing significant
> unnecessary QRM on our bands.


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