[TenTec] Corsair II Display Segments

mw1lcr at elsasystems.co.uk mw1lcr at elsasystems.co.uk
Mon Mar 11 11:24:55 EDT 2013

Hi Gary

What you describe is my usual technique, although I also switch off the
AGC. As you know this approach allows the receive to function with maximum
dynamic range. Its just a shame that the Corsair II audio stage is so




Original Message:
From: GARY HUBER glhuber at msn.com
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 10:13:21 -0500
To: mw1lcr at elsasystems.co.uk, tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair II Display Segments


FB on the fix!

The CORSAIR-II, with its PTO and AZNAC type receiver design, may be one of 
the finest, quietest analog receivers ever built, at least by Ten-Tec.  For 
digging out weak signals just turn the RF gain fully counter-clockwise, and 
the AF gain to full clockwise or nearly so then turn the  RF gain clockwise 
to comfortable level.  I worked nearly two hundred of my 347 DXCC entities 
with my CORSAIR-II which still sits at the operating position as a back-up 
for CW an SSB DXing and the primary daily rig for digital DXing.

My CORSAIR-II would still be the primary radio were it not for its lack of 
capability to interface with computer logging and station automation 

73 ES DX,
Gary -- AB9M

-----Original Message----- 
From: Adrian Rees (MW1LCR)
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 5:20 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair II Display Segments

Hi all
Problem fixed. As I thought poor electrical contact on the inter-board
connections,. which was expected due to the Transceivers age me moving
it 300 miles, and it not having been moved for a while.

I also changed the bulb.

I must say that when I compare it to my 756ProII and my 751A the Corsair
seems a much better performer.

I am impressed !

Cheers all

Adrian MW1LCR / GW9X

On 10/03/2013 16:41, GARY HUBER wrote:
> Although I had my CORSAIR-II display rebuilt at the electronic shop at 
> work in the late nineties (I caused the problem to begin with) I've found 
> the display periodically needs to have ALL connections from the display 
> and frequency counter removed and reseated one at a time after wiping
> connector pin with a Q-tip dampened with Cramolin or DeoxIT Gold.  If the 
> clean-up does NOT work, then the likely culprits are the electrolytics
> possibly the transistors of the display driver. The best thing to do is 
> just replace them all with new high quality parts. There's nothing
> that cannot be replaced by a local tech with a steady hand, good 
> technique, and good eyes.
> I find my Corsair-II display seems to work better when used frequently - 
> every day. There was a time when I turned it on just a couple times a
> (Field Day) and had to clean the display contacts before the operation. 
> Now I use it daily for digital operating and its like every five years
> cleaning the connectors.  YMMV.
> 73 ES DX,
> Gary -- AB9M
> -----Original Message----- From: Stan Barr
> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:03 AM
> To: mw1lcr at elsasystems.co.uk ; Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair II Display Segments
> On 10/03/13 02:16, Adrian Rees (MW1LCR) wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have just acquired a Corsair II, and am very impressed with it so,
>> far. However, in two of the 7 segment displays, the LED's are not
>> lighting. If you think about the digits 2 and 3, its the bottom segment
>> in each of them, and in the Tens and Units of MHz.
>> I am guessing the problem will be either a dodgy connection, or similar
>> dry joint type of affair. The previous owner has replaced a number of
>> electrolytic capacitors in the display, FWIW.
>> Apart from the dodgy connection / dry joint is there anything else I
>> should consider ?
> Mine suffers from this about every 12 months or so.  A poor contact
> on the display connector is the culprit (in my case anyway) some
> contact cleaner cures it for a while.

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