[TenTec] FW: Corsair vs Corsair II

Steve Hunt steve at karinya.net
Thu Mar 14 05:36:44 EDT 2013

I took another look at the CorsairII RF Mixer board (80987) inductors 
this morning:

L1, L2, L3, L4, L7, L8:  Green, radial body, marked 101. Measured as 100uH

L5: Axial body marked Orange-Orange-Silver-Black. Measured as 330nH

L6: Canned variable (21056) assumed to be 5.6uH [ Resonates with C15 at 

L9, L10: 17 turns on small ferrite ring. Measured as 6.4uH

L11, L12: Axial bodies marked Red-Purple-Black-Silver and 
Yellow-Purple-Gold-Silver. Measured as 31.3uH total, so assumed to be 
27uH (L11) and 4.7uH (L12)

Steve G3TXQ

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