[TenTec] Need help with corsair ii

nf4r at comcast.net nf4r at comcast.net
Mon Mar 25 11:40:45 EDT 2013

I don't have another amplified mic. The 705 works fine on my paragon,but the input circuits may be different,also the paragon has mic. gain knob on it ???? Now it gets interesting. Some where 

on the net I read about replacing the 100k resister [ r1 ] with 68 ohms or less. Thanks for the help. I'll let you know. I hate chasing ten tec's ghosts. 73 

de nf4r  Dave 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Barry N1EU" <barry.n1eu at gmail.com> 
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com> 
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 4:47:44 AM 
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Need help with corsair ii 

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 3:25 AM, <nf4r at comcast.net> wrote: 

> Thanks for the reply Bob. I was using the cabinet as gnd.  I will recheck 
> voltages in the morning and use the board its self as gnd,or the negative 
> dc input as gnd. 
No need Dave.  I checked the voltages in my Corsair II and they are the 
same as your measured voltages.  This is just one more case of the Corsair 
II manual being wrong. 

My transmit audio is fine with my 705 mic.  I still think you need to rule 
out the mic as your problem.  I assume you don't own an external mic preamp 
or any other amplified mic besides the one 705? 

Barry N1EU 
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