[TenTec] Eagle vs Omni VII

Paul DeWitte k9ot at yousq.net
Thu May 30 08:07:28 EDT 2013

Yesterday, after I had hung up an antenna for 6M, I had some fun with both 
the Eagle and Omni VII.

I was on some SSB and mostly CW.

First, I realize that these are two different radios meant to satisfy 
different markets. Both are good radios.

Going from SSB to CW or visa versa, the Eagle meant lots of twisting the 
knob (not using memories). The Omni VII, just use band stacking to go back 
and forth.

After I get on CW for some reason I like the Eagle better than the Omni VII. 
SSB not much difference that I could see.

Because the Eagle is a small radio it has a small VFO knob. To me that is a 
big drawback for moving very far in freq.

What I wish TT would work on is a radio with the Eagle receiver with the 
Omni VII size and ergonomics.
Having played in a few contests, I would not say that the Omni VII is a 
contest grade radio on CW
(just my opinion).

Foe those on 6M have fun while it is open.

73 Paul K9OT 

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