[TenTec] Argonaut VI Firmware released 539 v1.005

John Henry jhenry at tentec.com
Wed Nov 13 14:18:40 EST 2013

Uploaded 539v1b005 to the TEN-TEC Website.
Go to www.tentec.com
Downloads, Transceiver Downloads, scroll down to the Argonaut VI/539
section, download and run masterLibrary539 V1.0.2 Includes Version 1.005
Firmware Update<https://www.tentec.com/content/downloads/firmware/masterLibrary539-v1.0.2.exe>,
then follow the procedure to update the Argonaut VI/539 with 539v1b005.ruf.
The ruf files, update program, and update instructions are installed when
you install the masterLibrary539. You will find links to those files in
"Start" ":All Programs" "Ten-Tec" "Argonaut VI Master Library".

Version 1.005 – November 13, 2013 – 539v1b005.ruf  Changes include:
Modified pseudo AGC attack so that it is more resistant to loading upon
impulse noise
Corrected occasional startup problem that caused the frequency to jump up
or down by 1 step. (very rarely happened, but put in same change from the
599 to help ensure it doesn't)

Let me know if you find anything new and unusual.

Thanks, and 73,
John Henry, KI4JPL
TEN-TEC Engineering

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