Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Fri Nov 29 09:27:26 EST 2013

It's even better than expected.
I haven't been able to check the AGC because since upgrading to the latest,
we haven't even had any more thunder storms.
That itself is one heck of a feature!

Rick, DJ0IP

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 3:02 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 1,327 REASONS* WHY I LOVE MY EAGLE:

OK OK 'nuff said.    I did comment to James via private e-mail regarding
the mis-statements in the earlier post.

(a) The Eagle does have a general coverage receiver.
(b) The Eagle does cover all the HF ham bands, 160M - 6M.

For all, do upgrade to the latest version firmware.  You will find the AGC
does not load up on impulse noise.  And this makes the NR function more

And the Eagle does not have the power overshoot found on other non-Tentec

Bob, K4TAX

> Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
>> Good morning James.
>> Just wondering what you have been smoking?
> ---------------------------------------------------
> 	Sheesh... I sure got my models mixed up as Bob K4TAX
> 	already pointed out.   I cannot imagine how I got it all mixed up !!
> Nevertheless....  OBJECTION, Your Ornery-ness !!   Your evidence
> is merely cumulative.
> 	Translation:   No fair piling on!   Bob already knocked me for it,
> 	so your comments merely rub in the fact I screwed it up.
> 	Besides... I took my Mulligan... and in a "gentleman's" game, you
> 	one Mulligan, which is a free, fresh penalty-free drop (i.e.,
> 	after you shank one into the weeds, and it is considered in poor
> 	to make sport or mock the player for making such a bad shot if he
> 	uses his Mulligan . . .      ;-)
> 	ER...  I will sheepishly crawl back under my rock now...    ;-)
> I hope everyone had a safe and pleasant Thanksgiving Holiday !
> --------------------------  K8JHR  ----------------------------
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I am a Tentec Ambassador and compensated according to the Tentec Ambassador
plan. I serve as a volunteer beta test person for the Omni
VII, Eagle and Argonaut VI products.   Otherwise, I hold no business or
employment interest with Tentec.

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