[TenTec] Silent Key Estate Sale

Michael OBrien k0myw at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 13 13:29:30 EDT 2013


If the Astron 35M remains available, I would like to purchase it. 

All I would need to know is the preferred method of payment. PayPal or mailed check would be easiest for me, but I would do whatever you or the SK's widow prefers.

Thank you.

Mike O'Brien, K0MYW
Springfield, Missouri

 From: Carl Moreschi <n4py3 at earthlink.net>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com> 
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2013 11:58 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Silent Key Estate Sale

My good friend Dave, K4ENL is now a silent key.  I am selling his

ham station for his widow.

Paragon - This radio was originally mine and I used this radio

to develop the firmware for Tentec for the Paragon II.  The

radio is highly modified and is very close to a Paragon II

with some special functions added to it.  It has a front panel

receive only antenna button (the period key).  It also has

full Icom CIV support so it will work with my N4PY Icom

software.  It has the Paragon II key labelling on it and full

Paragon II band registers.  Appearance and operation wise this

radio is a 10 out of 10.  It has all the optional filters

installed which is the 250, 500, 1.8, and 2.4 filters.

I am selling this radio with the 3 optional filters for $650

including shipping CONUS.

Astron 35M Power Supply.  This power supply is very nice.

It is in perfect shape and is $100 including shipping CONUS.

Shure 444 mic - This is wired for the Tentec 4 pin connection.

It is in perfect shape and is $75 including shipping CONUS.

Kenwood MC-50 mic - This is wired for the Tentec 4 pin connection.

It is in perfect shape and is $75 including shipping CONUS.

Vibroplex bug serial number 46547 - This bug works well.

It is in perfect shape and is $100 including shipping CONUS.

Tentec model 277 tuner -  This tuner works very well.

It is in perfect shape and is $75 including shipping CONUS.

MFJ Antenna Tuner model MFJ-16010 - This is a very simple

L Match tuner.  It is very small and compact.

It is in perfect shape and is $40 including shipping CONUS.

Pictures are available on request.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
58 Hogwood Rd
Louisburg, NC 27549

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