[TenTec] Requirements for a top tier DXing rig

Richards jrichards at k8jhr.com
Fri Oct 18 18:24:49 EDT 2013

This is an interesting point... considering it now, I hardly tweak the 
radio during a contest.   I only adjust it when I encounter a difficult 
or weak signal, and then leave it while I take stranger stations.  It 
gets tweaked again only if I encounter an even more difficult signal, 
after which I leave it and take stronger callers.   If I get a really 
loud signal, then I just grin and bear it, and I don't tweak the rig 
again - just log it and take the next call.  That way, the radio sorta 
ends up set for the lowest signal received to date, and I try to keep my 
hands on the keyboard running the logging program.

One thing I DO NOT LIKE AT ALL... is having a spotter or helper run the 
log program.  I worked alone in business, and prefer that in a contest, 
also.  One of the old guys I contest with thinks everyone should have a 
spotter, but I don't like it.   Once I get in the groove, I sorta become 
one with the logging program and I try to type the call sign as I hear 
it, having another guy in the mix is distracting.   Other guys seem to 
like having a logger/spotter, but not I.

----------------------  K8JHR  --------------------

On 10/18/2013 5:47 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> I strongly agree with Jim.
> The radio gets set up before the contest, then hardly touched.
> I rarely touch anything during the [cw] contest.



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