[TenTec] Any update on a replacement for the Orion II?

K8JHR jrichards at k8jhr.com
Sat Apr 5 17:32:36 EDT 2014

On 4/4/2014 8:32 PM, george fritkin wrote:
   Some people like vanilla others like chocolate.  Both are wonderful 


Hi George - While I appreciate and respect your take... your analogy 
falls a wee bit short of the mark.      ;-)

If I showered my young bride with vanilla instead of chocolate on 
Valentine's Day ... well, let's just say I would start sleeping in the 
garage forthwith ...

Nevertheless, I appreciate your point, and recently tried out a Brand X 
rig and sold it off... because I purchased a MINT Orion II for less than 
the cost of an Omni VII - which I also own - so I echo Barry's 
suggestion to consider a well loved O II - I would have to spend a lot 
more on an equivalent K3, and except for the fabled third order 
intercept dynamic range thing, the Omni VII is way cooler than either 
the K3 or my former Brand X box.  The TT gear has better audio, and 
substantially easier "modus operandi" - I really think I can find and 
change settings on the Omni VII way faster than on the Brand x boxes... 
and that might matter in a contest or when quickly working rare DX 
before the pileup ensues.

Just MY take.    But... as you suggest... it is all good.  Just a matter 
of what works for one may not work as well for another.

Happy days, OM.
===================== K8JHR ======================

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