[TenTec] Orion (2) and ANC 4 Noise Canceller

Toby Pennington w4cakk at centurylink.net
Mon Apr 7 21:28:03 EDT 2014


I am trying to imagine in my head how this is going to work.  I believe 
you are referring to the AUX RX receive antenna.

IF I use this connector and it's  cabling  to make a break and insert 
the ANC 4 into the line,   I would have to have the RX ANT turned on the 
front panel at the same time as I have my TX ant ANT 1?  Does the keying 
relay for ANT 1 work to switch RX ant at the same time?  I assume so.  
OK,  since by turning on the AUX RX ant, I am depriving myself of being 
able to use the main RX/TX antenna on ANT 1 since the RX AUX ANT is 
being switched in.  I am not wanting to TX on the AUX RX ant and if the 
RX ant is switched on that is what would happen  ( unless I have this 
all wrong with my logic....(.where is spock when you need him)


Toby K4NH

On 4/7/2014 8:38 AM, Zivney, Terry wrote:
> There are alternatives to drilling holes in the Orion series for  a receiver loop.
> There is a receiver input already on the back panel.  There is a spare
> RCA jack on the rear panel (many use it for LP-Pan interface).
> Terry N4TZ
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