[TenTec] Varied Wishes and ramblings
Barry N1EU
barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 05:37:51 EDT 2014
Rick, I actually read Ron's suggestion differently, perhaps because of my
own wants/needs. I see it as a #1 full size radio with lots of knobs with
the capability of remote control via an accessory remote head.
We need a Universal remote control (remote head) that could be remotely
interfaced to a variety of radios/SDR's and used locally or remotely via
73, Barry N1EU
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 5:08 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de> wrote:
> I disagree with Ron - but only on execution.
> Perhaps there should be two versions of the rig - like with the TS-2000.
> One has a front panel, the other does not.
> Why does a remote rig need a big front panel, big wide-spaced knobs, big
> S-Meter, etc., etc.?
> A "One-Size-Fits-All" rig will always be a compromise.
> And, if we put all features into all rigs, many of us won't be able to
> afford anything.
> Ten-Tec 'had' a great portfolio with good distinction between models:
> 1). ORION - Top of the line, max features, BIG SIZE, for home use
> 2). OMNI-VII - Good mid-range radio (best in class, BTW); which could also
> be easily remoted
> 3). EAGLE - a naked Ferrari at an affordable price, missing bells and
> whistles that 70% of the hams will never use.
> IMO Ten-Tec did a great job of figuring the market out and delivering to
> its
> needs.
> We are currently 'ONLY' brain-storming a replacement for #1.
> No. 1 is radio where 95% of its owners will have it on the desk in front of
> them and use it as their main rig.
> I think we need what Ron is asking for, but it should maybe be called a
> #1.5
> - be the O3 without a front panel.
> It could probably be in a smaller box. Call it O3-BB (black box).
> Why pay for all the knobs and such if you won't be using them?
> Hats off to Kenwood for coming up with the idea almost 20 years ago!
> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ron
> Castro
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 5:33 AM
> To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Varied Wishes and ramblings
> Lots of great suggestions, but one I would like to pitch for in any new rig
> or as a "stand alone" to be added to existing radios would be remote
> control. Certainly the Omni VII has that built in, and you can cobble
> together something using the RemoteRig hardware and remote desktop, but
> having either a plug n' play hardware control head with built in CODEC's
> and
> internet connection would be great. A simple flexible control system like
> the T-Mate2 with audio and Ethernet would be ground-breaking. Add in
> modular
> rotator control, amplifier control, etc. and you have a winner!
> With hams growing older and broadband access being more ubiquitous, remote
> operations are now the fastest growing sector of ham radio today. There
> were numerous discussions about remotes at the Visalia DX convention this
> past weekend.
> Ron Castro
> N6IE
> www.N6IE.com
> Member:
> Redwood Empire DX Assn.
> Northern California Contest Club
> Northern California DX Foundation
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of John
> Henry
> Sent: April 8, 2014 8:02 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: [TenTec] Varied Wishes and ramblings
> I hope everyone can see just from these last two threads, that there is a
> huge variation in what hams expect of their rigs. If I look at this from
> the
> outside, looking at TEN-TEC, and what TEN-TEC has made through the years, I
> believe that TEN-TEC has done a great job in giving the consumers what they
> want, mostly.
> Look at the Orion series of rigs. Fantastic performance for contesting,
> great features on the front panel, a sweep that works fairly good, but of
> course limited by size and other constraints, and so many things to so many
> different hams that wanted x and another didn't want x but wanted y
> instead,
> well, mostly, it was there on the Orion. The antenna matrix, fantastic, the
> band data outputs, serial control of a lot of the functions for the PC
> hounds and the interfaces for the same PC hounds with their SDR's doing
> "fantastical" PC sweeps/waterfalls/skimming/coffee making. It's there. For
> the audio enthusiast, binaural, spatial, agc tailoring, ground breaking
> stuff years ago, that still most don't really comprehend and well, why does
> everyone have to? they don't, just use it stock, and it outperforms just
> about anything on the market in just about any condition.
> The OMNI-VII, only things it's really missing is a second receiver and a
> functional sweep (plus a few tricks we have up our sleeves in store for
> it).
> Of course, some would not consider an OMNI-VII because of something it
> lacks
> that the Orion has, or vice versa. Or the competitor rig y has the feature
> required. Maybe it is missing band data outputs, antenna matrix, two main
> VFOs, etc., but, it is a stellar performer, demo's with the Ethernet are
> going fantastic from new hams trying out the rig in the TEN-TEC sales shack
> getting audio reports of great audio. Yes, I'm still beta testing one baby
> step at a time on a new Ethernet set of code, will be out...xxxx Yes, some
> issues, with all the rigs, but, well, all in all, the rigs have done great,
> and will continue to do great.
> Just look at the differences "REQUIRED" of the one feature, the sweep. Some
> could care less and want us to quit working on it for the 588 and will
> never
> fire it up for the 566. Yet some REALLY NEED it to work on the 588.
> So, as someone mentioned earlier, that means we need to design interfaces
> in
> the hardware for optional add-ons. Not an issue, because if I start with a
> bare OMNI-VII, almost all of those interfaces already exist (talking about
> interfaces to additional hardware options, not GUI's). Same for the Eagle,
> same for the Orion(s).
> As I read some people's inputs, the Eagle has EVERYTHING they will ever
> need. Why? Because it is an absolute top notch performer in receiver
> quality
> and sound. For some, it has an absolutely easy to use easy to access
> feature
> set that covers every requirement they need. Some use it connected to a PC
> for getting the things they want out of it.
> As I read some peoples inputs, the Eagle needs so much more to make it the
> ultimate rig, well, those are good thoughts, good wishes.
> Same for the OMNI-VII.
> With all of the above, the variances in customer wishes, required features,
> etc., we try to design something that can do all for the ultimate
> configuration users like the super serious PC driving
> contesters/dxers/etc.ers, at the same time of hitting the requirements of
> the front panel only user who wants to dominate the same contests, at the
> same time of hitting the requirements of a rag chewer who gets on from time
> to time and wants to drive it from the PC or the front panel or a
> combination of both.
> When these threads started, my inbox must have had an increase of about
> 50-100 more emails a day, just on the wishes for an Orion III and it's
> "required" features. That also lead to requests for the sweep for the
> OMNI-VII, Vox for the Argonaut VI, etc., etc.
> It just takes time to get those things out.
> Doing what we can.
> No, I'm not complaining, don't take this post this way, I do really
> appreciate the inputs, it helps confirm the direction we are going, and
> also
> brings to light things we had forgotten that others thought were really
> important, that in our way of operating or thinking, well, they weren't
> thought of as needed, so we can rethink them again, and why.
> heck, even inside TEN-TEC there is a great disparity on some features, what
> is included, why, who would ever use this, etc.
> Somewhere, in the end, we hope to find the happy middle ground, medium.
> Now, sometimes, we will make things that people have no idea why, e.g. the
> 506 is one of them. I have had MANY emails and calls about that was the
> worst way and thing TEN-TEC could ever have made, not an Orion or Eagle or
> even a traditional Corsair or Tritan... well, true, but, it helps others
> get
> into the hobby, brings joy back to hams that had gotten out of the hobby
> because they were disheartened, and the 506 brought them back, and they are
> having fun again.
> Of course, when threads like this occur, I do get emails from hams saying
> they will wait on their purchase now for the hope of the ultimate x
> transceiver. Well, my input to that is... Why wait, I mean, you have the
> opportunity now, the rig you are looking at really does fit your
> requirements today, and besides, you may get hit by a bus in a month and
> would not have enjoyed the rig. TEN-TEC could get hit by a bus itself, and
> the future ultimate x transceiver won't see the light of day and you would
> have missed out on the rig we have now. Go ahead and get that OMNI-VII, or
> get that Eagle, or Argonaut VI, or 506, you can always trade it in next
> year
> or the year after for the ultimate x transceiver, if/when it comes out.
> Heck, if everyone waits for the next big TEN-TEC rig, there won't be a
> "next
> big TEN-TEC rig" because everyone waiting will tank the company due to lack
> of sales.
> I know a lot that have waited on buying their next transceiver, waiting for
> the new ultimate xxx that is now on the market, well, it ain't filling
> their
> bill, ain't performing near what their other two rigs were that they traded
> in to be able to afford it. ain't living up to expectations, etc.
> etc. No, this isn't a knock on a specific one, but sometimes the kool-aid
> makes one think it is best to get the one thing, when what they had in the
> TEN-TEC rigs did actually fulfill all they needed.
> So, go get your OMNI-VII now, ....
> 'nuff said, time for me to get some shut eye
> Thanks, and 73,
> John Henry, KI4JPL
> TEN-TEC Engineering
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