[TenTec] How much for an Orion III?

GARY HUBER glhuber at msn.com
Mon Apr 14 13:58:54 EDT 2014

Regarding the KWM-2; back in the late 1980's and early 90's, we were forced 
to turn in the KWM-2, 30L-1, 312b, etc  which almost every Field Artillery 
Battery, Air Defense Artillery Battery, and other Army units (usually a 
Battalion Headquarters or higher) held. All these radios went to the 
warehouses.  The problem was the replacement equipment really did not work 
in some the critical applications like receiving WWV , necessary to 
precisely locate a FA battery battery center by simultaneous observation. 
GPS and GPS survey now fills that role.

Back to the warehouses; in almost every state there is a USP&FO controlled 
warehouse; some may still have some Collins equipment but most have cleared 
the shelves of old junk, selling it by the pound after it was rendered 
unusable by crushing it in some manner.

Best regards,

CSM(r) Gary Huber - AB9M

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jim Allen
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 11:54 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] How much for an Orion III?

You mean, maybe there are warehouses full of KWM2s somewhere, like the old

73 de W6OGC  Jim Allen

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Dave Edwards <kd2e at comcast.net> wrote:

> Also interesting (to think about)...
> I wonder what percentage of them still exist today?
> How many does the government still own?
> How many remain on dusty shelves somewhere....unopened???
> ....Dave
> On 4/14/14, 9:56 AM, Rsoifer at aol.com wrote:
>> I asked Rod, K0DAS (retired from Rockwell Collins), how many  KWM-2s were
>> bought by hams rather than Uncle Sam.  He said that nobody  really knows,
>> but
>> his best guess is that the U.S. armed forces bought between  1/4 and 1/3
>> of
>> them.  Some went to other government agencies as well  as foreign
>> governments.  That still leaves quite a few that were bought by  hams
>> like me.
>>   73 Ray W2RS
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