[TenTec] RX-366?

Rsoifer--- via TenTec tentec at contesting.com
Thu Apr 24 15:44:56 EDT 2014

If I were a serious contester, rather than someone who just plays around in 
 them for an hour or two, I'm sure I would have ordered the RX-366 for my  
otherwise fully loaded O II.  However, all I use the sub RX for is pile-up  
spotting (no, I don't have Skimmer) and, would you believe, general  
coverage reception (as in KPH/KSM etc.).  The stock sub RX pretty much  meets my 
needs, such as they are.
So, here's one vote for making it an option on the O III, rather than  
standard equipment.
73 Ray W2RS

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