[TenTec] OT: Rob Sherwood's impression of the FLEX 6x00

K8JHR jrichards at k8jhr.com
Fri Apr 25 18:40:59 EDT 2014

THANKS GARY --	  Yes...    I get that.

The web page you refer to says:

"The FiFi receiver is a very capable SDR with a newly upgraded on-board 
sound card that now runs with a 192 KHz sampling rate."

and my sound cards can produce that high a sampling rate - certainly 
they can handle a 94 KHz sampling rate.   I agree it would bog down with 
any serious conversion, like from 44 to 48 as you mention.  That makes 
sense, although I suppose it could depend on the usual suspects, such as 
computer CPU, memory, other stuff running, etc.

Thanks for the link.   That is a very helpful and clearly written 
resource page.    The Skimmer Intro piece is also helpful.

Happy days.   I think I will see if I can get the FiFi to work at the 
high sampling rates that make it most useful.

The takeaway seems to be to use the Fifi as Bob says to use the Flex if 
I can... other wise, maybe I will invest in a Flex 1000 or 1500 as a 
receiver, scope, panadapter thing.  Great... this gives me reason to 
re-visit the FiFi project.

Thanks guys.
------------------ JHR  ---------------------------

On 4/25/2014 6:24 PM, GARY HUBER wrote:
> James,
> I found some of the answers to your questions at
> http://www.w1aex.com/fifisdr/fifisdr.html .  I believe the real issue
> will be the audio sampling rate you select / require for the bandwidth
> of the SDR.  I found that the audio sampling rate I used with my
> Flex-1500 and Virtual Audio Cables (VAC 4.11) had to be 2 channel, 16
> bit, 48000 Hz in order to avoid resampling and Delayed Procedure Calls
> (DPCs).  Keep in mind that the FLEX-1500, CWSkimmer, and other devices,
> document a 48000 Hz sampling rate provides a 48 kHz bandwidth although
> only 10 kHz may be displayed. The key is to avoid a 44100 to 48000
> resampling or similar problem
> I can verify that a FLEX-1500 sampling at the  2 channel, 16 bit, 48000
> Hz rate, driving CWSkimmer in telnet mode will drive N1MM for contests
> or DXLab SpotCollector (see
> http://www.dxatlas.com/CwSkimmer/Files/Skimmerintro.pdf)

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