[TenTec] OMNI VI question

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 20:50:52 EDT 2014

You should be able to find the info on tentecwiki.org

73, Barry N1EU

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Brandon Brinkley <bbrinkley at gmail.com>

> I ordered an Eagle and while I wait for it I bought an Omni VI with Option
> 3. Or so I thought....
> It was not. The guy who sold it is now trying to tell me that it was Opt 1
> and he is not very apologetic.
> As far as I can tell it may be just an Omni VI with no upgrade. When I hold
> the LOCK button it doesn't take me into a 1,2,3 select-able menu. I am not
> sure which buttons were changed with stickers. It still has a functional
> CLK button that changes the clock. I think that was incorporated into the
> menu with the upgrade.
> What buttons changed? Is there an easy way to tell if Opt 1 is there or
> not? The two IC's on the logic board still say Model 563. The one that says
> logic  is Version 2.18-150
> I also obtained a 564 Omni 6+ with matching PS. It's a keeper. I've been
> told to keep the 563 for parts for the 564 since they are becoming scarce.
> I apologize for just asking instead of looking extensively through the
> archive. All that I have found so far was just describing the differences
> of the various options.
> 73,
> Brandon AC4OU
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