[TenTec] Omni VII Digital

Gary - AB9M glhuber at msn.com
Tue Aug 12 13:07:40 EDT 2014

One of the most common difficulties is proper connection of the 
communications physical layer and its levels. So remember the audio out (pin 
4 of the OMNI-VII cable will run to line in (or possibly mic in) of the 
sound card.  The Sound card line out (or headset/spkr out) will go to  line 
in (pin 1 of the OMNI-VII).  The digital application set up tab for PTT 
should allow you to choose a physical serial port (the same one used for CAT 
control may be selected) with the PTT either by RTS+DTR or XCVR CTRL App. If 
FSK doesn’t work, try AFSK. If you do not have a physical serial port on 
your computer, use a good USB to serial adapter - TenTec sells one that 

One problem that I had was with pre-made cables which instead of turning 
over audio transmit and receive from end to end, were actually wired 
straight through, or panel connections labeled line out when it was actually 
line in. An Ohm meter is your friend when working with the physical layer of 
the OSI Model.

73 & DX,

Gary - AB9M
-----Original Message----- 
From: Louis Ciotti
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 8:53 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni VII Digital

It should not be difficult.  If using the TenTec provided cable (From
the Manual):

WHITE = pin 1, line level audio input.
YELLOW = pin 4, line level audio output.
RED = pin 5, FSK.
BLACK = pin 3, push to talk
Ground from the 46176 cable is connected to pin 2.

Have you verified the cable is correct?  It also sounds like you may
be connecting Pin 1 to the speaker output.  Not knowing what is inside
the Omni VII, I wonder if you provided it with too much voltage on
that pin at damaged the input circuit there.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 8:06 AM,  <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Thank you Ed,
> I have tried all of those things. Still no audio on transmit wit hthe OMNI 
> VII.
> I am glad my FT857D wasn't this difficult.
> 73 de AF4K, Bry
> On 11 Aug 2014 at 12:26, Edward Feustel wrote:
>> Brian,
>> I had the same problem on my Orion (565) while using FLDIGI with the
>> Ten-Tec kit to use the buffered audio input/output to/from the computer
>> soundcard:no transmit.
>> It was resolved when I did three things:
>> 1. Shifted the audio input from the mike to the Accessory Input via menu
>> 2. Turned on Vox Mode via front panel button
>> 3. Adjusted the gain on the auxiliary input via the menu enough to
>> invoke the vox via the menu.
>> Now it works like a champ.
>> 73,
>> Ed, N5EI
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