[TenTec] OT: Progresso Soup

K3GHH k3ghh at arrl.net
Sat Dec 6 09:39:17 EST 2014

Thanks for good comments, guys. I was glad to see from Karl KO8S, that I 
was not (quite!) alone, and Ken explained how the simple science, which 
is probably what appealed to us budding hams, could be an educational 
opportunity for young people.

I do not bother with obvious TV nonsense, like Walker in his cowboy 
boots round-kicking someone in the face (the loud "Whack!" proves he 
connected) but somehow there's never any blood, or infinite ammunition 
supplies. But the tin-can phone is the sort of science thing that 
fascinated some of us young boys back then and led us into careers in 
engineering or science, and into ham radio.

Here's the response:"Dear Valued Consumer: Thank you for contacting 
Progresso.  We appreciate your comments regarding our advertising for 
our soup.  Your opinion is important to us, and will be shared with our 
marketing and advertising staff.  We hope you continue to enjoy our 
products.  Sincerely,"

--John K3GHH

On 12/04/2014 06:51 PM, K3GHH wrote:
> This is almost as OT as they get, so OT foes, hit Delete immediately!
> Is anyone else in our group bugged by the Progresso soup TV ad that 
> features a tin-can "telephone"? Surely some of you, like me, built and 
> tried one as kids. The Progresso ad has the string hanging loose and 
> immediately taking a 90-degree turn when it emerges from the bottom of 
> the soup can. This probably wouldn't bug me so much if a friend and I 
> hadn't been semi-successful with a string and tin can "telephone" back 
> in the 1950s, so I know how they work, and it's not like that!
> I actually emailed Progresso and explained that its ad men could not 
> possibly have ever used such a "telephone," but have not heard back 
> (yet).
> --John K3GHH
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