[TenTec] How to Choose an SDR RX for the Pan-Adapter?
Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP
Rick at DJ0IP.de
Thu Dec 25 09:05:44 EST 2014
2nd Reply to Martin
I may have misunderstood you when you said "it depends on what software I
want to run."
Perhaps you meant what modes I want to operate.
I will dab at PSK-31, but not seriously and occasionally run an RTTY
I have fldigi.
Otherwise, I'm uninterested in exploring all of these other digital modes.
I can't even find enough time to get on the air with the 4 modes I use now!
One more aspect I didn't stress is, I also want to do this just to learn how
to do it.
That is important to me.
It remains to be seen if I will actually use it in the long term.
This may be far-fetched but if this is anything like the band-scope on the
Orion, well the first thing I did was turn it off because I found it
When I change bands in a contest, I use the band map to rapidly move across
the band, working all of the obvious multis I need. Then I go back to the
beginning of the band and began to tune the band very slowly, usually with
my eyes closed, listening for the weakest signals in there. I am completely
focused on that. So a band scope or band map are not much use when I tune
with my eyes closed.
73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Martin Sole
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 2:41 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] How to Choose an SDR RX for the Pan-Adapter?
I think in that regard the software plays as big a part as the hardware, so
your choice of software will possibly govern what you can or want to do.
Fortunately most are free so you can try or use several. Perhaps fiddling
with the various bits of software might give you some insight into what you
would like to achieve and the likely ability to do so.
Then spec your hardware to suit.
Martin, HS0ZED
On 25/12/2014 14:16, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> In fact it would help even more if I knew what I want out of a panadapter!
> (hi)
> Probably the most interesting use would be to see the transmitted
> spectrum of stations on the band.
> If I hear broad splatter, it would be nice to easily see where its
> coming from and see just how broad it is, compared to other signals.
> Same for key clicks.
> It would be nice to look at my own signal and see how broad it is, if
> it is flat topping on peaks, etc.
> Looking for empty frequencies to call CQ on is not very high on my
> list of needs.
> Watching boring waterfalls is not high on my list either.
> But you bring up an excellent point, Barry.
> I don't even know what all it can do.
> I would like to see a features list showing all of the uses of a
> pan-adaptor.
> I don't need a big explanation for each, I just would like to see a
> list of things one can do with a pan-adapter.
> If I understood Jim correctly, you need a pretty expensive solution in
> order to be able to make accurate measurements with it. He indicated
> he can do that on his K3 with Elecraft pan-adapter. That's not on the
> plan here for the moment.
> Thank you for the comment.
> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Barry
> N1EU
> Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 11:58 AM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] How to Choose an SDR RX for the Pan-Adapter?
> Rick, I think it would help if folks knew what precisely you want out
> of the panadapter. They potentially offer lots of bells and whistles,
> but many/most might not be of interest to YOU.
> 73, Barry N1EU
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de>
> wrote:
>> This topic in similar form has been covered in many different threads
>> here and in the other TT groups.
>> I want to add an external pan-adaptor to my older Eagle. My Eagle
>> has no 9 MHz out and also has no TMP jack on the filter board for
>> tapping into the IF.
>> 'Specific information' about how to compare the technology of the
>> various receiver candidates.
>> Comments like: "I've had good luck with XYZ".
>> Besides being an almost useless comment, we've read those types of
>> comments multiple times already.
>> Although my Eagle has no easy provision for 9 MHz out, it does have
>> the 2-jack mod which routes the transmitting antenna out the back
>> panel, AFTER the signals have passed through the Eagles RX BPF's. I
>> suppose this eliminates the need for BPFs in the External RX, but it
>> is probably better to have them anyway, so that I can also use the RX
>> as a
> stand-alone.
>> My personal interests stop at 30 MHz, but in the interest of
>> completeness and learning, if there are benefits in the various
>> technologies above that, say up to 70cm, then please share them with
>> us
> too.
>> It will be FAR EASIER for me to simply use the ANT OUT line on my
>> Eagle than trying to tap into the 9 MHz.
>> I'm not afraid of using a soldering iron, but the Eagle is very tiny
>> and my eyesight is very poor.
>> Unless there are some darn good arguments for an IF connection, I
>> will use the ANT OUT.
>> Remember, I wish to do this on a shoestring budget, but maximize my
>> bangs for the buck.
>> I have read suggestions for:
>> * Softrock Ensemble III
>> * FiFi (a German RX costing abt. $165 in kit form)
>> * SDR-4 (an English RX costing abt. $300)
>> * LP-Pan
>> * Fun Cube
>> * Watson W-SDRX1 (my own suggestion; is also available locally under
>> another name for $110)
>> How do I compare and evaluate these candidates?
>> I am interested in things like on-board technology, and ease of
>> implementation.
>> I wish to keep it simple and I have zero interest in installing Ham
>> Radio Deluxe or any similar over-kill product.
>> I do have N4PY control software for my Eagle.
>> Though I'm looking for a cheap solution, I am not looking for the
>> cheapest solution. If I can get advantages for spending an extra
>> $50, then I would probably do that.
>> Thanks in advance for technical information on this topic.
>> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
>> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
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