[TenTec] Model 238 plastic cabinet cap source

Carl Winkles jcwinks at att.net
Sat Jan 18 03:36:19 EST 2014

Ten-Tec calls those things "ears". The last time I needed one they had them. You have nothing to lose by giving them a call. 

Carl, K4SEV

Sent from my magic decoder ring

> On Jan 18, 2014, at 2:58 AM, k6jek <k6jek at comcast.net> wrote:
> The little decorative end pieces on the sides of the front panel of my trusty 238 are broken. The are little brown vertical pieces of plastic maybe 5" long, tapered, held on with little clips. I see the same things on my Hercules II. I saw these for sale somewhere, I just can't remember where.  Anyone have an idea?
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