[TenTec] What's going to be next?

Steve Berg wa9jml at frontier.com
Mon Jan 20 15:48:33 EST 2014

It also helps to notice that split is still invoked, when QSYing from 
the CW portion of the band to the phone portion of the band.

Steve WA9JML

On 1/20/2014 2:05 PM, Charles wrote:
> Not silly. That capability in conjunction with a band scope permits easily setting your rig on a clear spot when calling a DX station 1 or more kHz above his frequency. Then don't forget to press the SPLIT button.
> 73,
> Charles K0cw
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 11:47 AM, <chacuff at cableone.net> wrote:
>> Well I hope they stick with the dual VFO knobs.  It may seem silly but that is one of the big reasons I went to an Orion II.  I came from Yaesu FT-1000 series radio’s and two things I really enjoy having are separate VFO knobs and split headphone audio.  Major tools of a DXer/Contester.  I also hope for two receivers with identical performance/filtering.  Bulletproof 100W RF out and trendsetting transmit spectral purity.  It’s time we cleaned up the transmit side and quit focusing so much on the receiver...they are performing great.  Also I have another pile of radio’s that do General Coverage...don’t need it in my HF rig.  I'm also good with keeping the spectrum scope external so it can be an option for those who don’t feel the need and so it’s horsepower needs don’t cut into the radio DSP performance.  Computer monitor compatibility would be a plus. Remote tuning knob/keypad a great feature too....Love mine.
>> Icom can’t touch those features on any model short of the 7800...keep it priced between the 7600 and the 7700.  The Yaesu FT-2000 is probably going away if not already gone so your next choice is the FT-5000...keep it priced under that.  Easily under the new Kenwood Flagship. (TS-990?)
>> That should take care of the Japanese rigs...next is being competitive with the K3...should be doable.
>> Just my short list...
>> Cecil
>> K5DL
>> From: Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP
>> Sent: ‎January‎ ‎19‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎06‎ ‎PM
>> To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] What's going to be next?
>> Every now and again the topic of future (dream) radio comes up.
>> In my opinion, expensive radios are not the bread and butter of any company
>> and in light of the life cycle of components these days, not a good
>> investment from a cost of ownership point of view.
>> In the interest of Ten-Tec remaining in business, I would like to see
>> something like this:
>> <> A big brother to the Eagle, based on its existing technology
>> <> An entry-level price of well under $3K
>> <> Physically no larger than the Omni VI
>> <> An optional 2nd RX, like with the K3
>> <> Filter slots for all 5 filters
>> <> A readable S-Meter (at least 3x or 4x as large as the Eagle's)
>> <> Interfacing for an external bandscope, but no built-in band scope -
>> there are plenty of different solutions already available on the market
>> <> Band stack registers
>> <> Provision for an external RX antenna
>> <> Adjustable LEAD and HANG timing for external AMP relay control
>> <> As well as the KEYING LOOP
>> <> NOT a dark color.  I find it difficult to read lables on any black
>> radio.  Why not blue like Hilberling?  The OM-VI was not bad either.
>> <> RED DOT
>> <> A big bag of sunspots  ;-)
>> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
>> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Gary Smith
>> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 5:12 AM
>> To: tentec at contesting.com
>> Subject: [TenTec] What's going to be next?
>> The Orion was a magnificent radio & it made it through two really nice
>> versions but for whatever reasons, an Omni 3 was not offered & the Omni 2
>> was the end of life of that lineage. The current top of the line is the Omni
>> 7 which as I recall was not touted as highly as the Orion but was offered at
>> the same time.
>> Any next top of the line to be released TenTec heard about in the chatter?
>> 73,
>> Gary
>> KA1J
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