[TenTec] Eagle vs. TS-590S

Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Sun Jul 6 17:53:48 EDT 2014

Mike, you are incorrect with your take on ALC upgrades.
Here in Europe we have authorized Kenwood dealers, and then others.
The "others" import from somewhere else and are called the "Gray Channel".
They own a huge portion of the market share.
But unfortunately Kenwood will not touch the radios sold through that
Why should they? 
The poor owner is charged $200 for the mod to fix the ALC spike which was a
design failure in the first place!

Shame on Kenwood (once again).

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:09 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle vs. TS-590S

I have enjoyed the 590 both in my station with a large monoband array, and
portable with a fan dipole. The receiver is simply amazing in every aspect. 

The human interface is simply superb and offers every convenience. It could
not be better. 

The rig offers both USB and serial port interface. Not only that, but both
ports can be used at the same time. The digital modes are supported with a
built in sound card for your computer. 

Kenwood had their own software for computer control and for customizing the
radio. Just explaining these features alone would take far too much

The fit and finish of the rig is outstanding, and the robotic assembly
techniques permit incredible miniaturization in the board design. 

The radio did indeed have an ALC issue which was corrected in all production
since the beginning of this year. They will repair at no cost, other than
in-ship, any 590s in or out of warrantee at an authorized repair center. 

I compared the radio with my Orion II receiver. I still prefer the O2 as my
first choice because of the second receiver and slightly better main
receiver board. The O2 is so quiet I never need any NR what so ever. The
590s does slightly benefit from the NR. 

The antenna tuner is lightening fast on the 590s and the memory system works

The size of the 590s is perfect for portable use. 

You will not be disappointed with this choice. 

My favorite  main station radio remains my O2, the 590 is a strong second. 


Mike w2AJI 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 6, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Toby Pennington <w4cakk at centurylink.net>
> Well,  perhaps I was too judgemental,    you guys are offering pretty good
advice.. If the user interface on the 590 is much better than the Eagle,   I
would go with the 590 other things being equal. Toby K4NH
>> On 7/6/2014 1:27 PM, JB Edmonds wrote:
>> I think the Kenwood and Eagle are a toss up.
>>> On Jul 6, 2014 11:16 AM, G Reichow <wa0yle12 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>>       I am in the market for a new radio. Originally I was looking 
>>> at the FTDX-1200 and the TS-590S as both of those are within my budget.
>>> Now, with the mega-sale, the Eagle is within my budget as  well. I 
>>> was leaning toward the 590S due to its receiver. So I guess it comes 
>>> down to the 590 or Eagle. My primary interests are dx'ing and contests.
>>> Constructive input and thoughts are welcome.
>>> Tks - Gary (KN0V)
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