[TenTec] Eagle vs. TS-590S
rmcgraw at blomand.net
Sun Jul 6 20:54:01 EDT 2014
Yes HRD will control the Omni VII as well as N4PY software. You will need a RS-232 to USB converter. Get the one from Tentec. It works where others may or may not.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 6, 2014, at 7:33 PM, Brian Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Sorry to digress but I have similar questions...
> Will HRD 5 work with my Omni VII arriving this week?
> I'm not sure if it's coming with an interface cable for my Win8 laptop.
> Was the serial interface something standard that comes with an OM7?
> Best regards - Bry Carling AF4K
>> On Jul 6, 2014, at 3:27 PM, G Reichow <wa0yle12 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Rick, this is the kind of information I'm looking for and all the
>> responses so far have been very helpful. I read this reflector every day
>> and it always has good info.
>> Gary - KN0V
>>> On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de> wrote:
>>> The Eagle has a slightly better receiver, especially on the higher bands.
>>> The ergonomics of the Kenwood are more typical of what most people are
>>> familiar with.
>>> Unfortunately Omnirig does not support the Eagle so you may find that some
>>> contest logging packages are not fully compatible with it. They will
>>> probably still work in Orion2 mode, but with a couple of bugs.
>>> The 3rd order IMD of the Kenwood is slightly better than the Eagle, but the
>>> 590 has broadband noise problems. The Eagle has none. This makes the
>>> Eagle
>>> more suitable for using at multi TX sites.
>>> The 590 'had' a problem with ALC power spikes on TX. If you buy a new one,
>>> the problem has been fixed. If you buy a used one, it probably has this
>>> problem. This caused many of the modern linear amplifiers to trigger to
>>> fault. This is very annoying, but Kenwood will fix it for free if you are
>>> the original owner. Not sure of their policy for used rigs, but I have
>>> heard it costs $200 for the mod.
>>> Several people who have used both radios, including members of the Ten-Tec
>>> group(s) preferred the ergonomics of the Kenwood better.
>>> IMO this only makes a difference when you have several rigs and switch back
>>> and forth a lot.
>>> If you only use one rig, you quickly become accustomed to just about
>>> anything.
>>> Neither rig has band data available on the rear panel for switching
>>> external
>>> switches such as antennas or band filters. If you want that, you have to
>>> spend a lot more money on the radio.
>>> For running a linear amp in CW, the Kenwood has adjustable TX-delay and
>>> hang
>>> time delay, each of the proper lengths (if you set the menu parameters
>>> correctly). The Eagle does not. It is about 5mS too slow on TX-delay and
>>> has no hang delay at all. Unless you have a full QSK linear, you will need
>>> to purchase the model 318 amp keyer - or for about $10 you can build it
>>> yourself. OR use an external keyer which incorporates adjustable keying
>>> delays, such as the WinKey - which is probably a good idea anyway if you
>>> are
>>> into contesting.
>>> FINALLY: Ten-Tec owners are nicer people. If you don't believe that, just
>>> ask us! ;-)
>>> For my current needs, the Eagle is the best radio in the world.
>>> Your mileage may vary.
>>> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
>>> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of G Reichow
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2014 5:16 PM
>>> To: tentec at contesting.com
>>> Subject: [TenTec] Eagle vs. TS-590S
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am in the market for a new radio. Originally I was looking at the
>>> FTDX-1200 and the TS-590S as both of those are within my budget.
>>> Now, with the mega-sale, the Eagle is within my budget as well. I was
>>> leaning toward the 590S due to its receiver. So I guess it comes down to
>>> the
>>> 590 or Eagle. My primary interests are dx'ing and contests.
>>> Constructive input and thoughts are welcome.
>>> Tks - Gary (KN0V)
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