[TenTec] Mega Sale Pricing

K8JHR jrichards at k8jhr.com
Wed Jul 9 16:08:43 EDT 2014

HEY!!  Your reply induced me to re-visit TT's web site, and I see they 
provide instructions for adding a 9 MHz output, but I am not too keen on 
modifying a rig under warranty... Still, there IS IS a way to do that 
... provided I am willing to modify the rig once I get it.

Shoot... maybe I will try it.  The instructions are very clear and the 
mod, itself, appears very easy to do.  That would give one as much power 
as a Flex receiver... but with a complete radio interface, knobs, 
buttons, display, etc., as a travel rig!   Cheap second receiver with 
panadapter screen... plus it is a complete portable  QRP rig.

How is that for value?


I think I would add the Telepost LP-Pan instead of the P3.

The LP-Pan costs around $250 and is complete in itself, providing a 
computer screen size image.   The P3 costs around $750 last time I 
looked, and it has a rather smallish screen.  The optional P3VGA module 
costs another $280 - plus the cost of another computer screen - before 
it shows as large as the LP-Pan on my computer screen - WOW... that is 
more than $1000 compared to $250 for essentially the same result!!!

Of course, part of my conundrum is the fact that, beyond the cool 
factor, the panadapter is really a solution looking for a problem, and 
probably would not substantially alter my operation.  Will it really 
enable me to make more contacts?  Will I be able to SEE rare DX in the 
wake of a powerhouse flame thrower?  Can one really see the rare DX 
stations better than one can hear them tuning slowly across the band? 
I looked all over the Internet for photos of big contest shacks, and 
found only ONE showing a panadapter or spectrum scope, but it was part 
of a larger logging and control program, so I doubt the operator was 
relying on the scope display to locate other stations.  So, I wonder if 
it will really improve my score, or is it just a really cool thing to 
have ?  Because it IS way cool looking and fun to use.

Thanks for the push on it!   Now, I gotta decide how badly I want one 
... versus getting that new macro lens for my camera system ... and... 

-------------------  JHR  ----------------------

On 7/9/2014 1:30 AM, Reed wrote:
> Won't the Elecraft P3 Panadapter work with the Argonaut VI?
> http://www.elecraft.com/P3/p3.htm

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