[TenTec] order (delivery costs)
K7TXO Radio
k7txoradio at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 09:44:27 EDT 2014
You might look into what I do sometimes to get lower shipping cost. The
price to get packages shipped to a business is usually less than the price
to ship to a residential address. You might see if this applies to your
area by creating a shipment estimate in UPS or FEDEX from say, TEN-TEC's
address to a business address close to your home that you either work at or
they would accept deliveries for you. The difference in cost might be
significant enough to change where you have packages delivered too.
I suppose there is less work for pickup/drop offs to businesses plus the
potential to pickup/drop off multiple packages from that/other businesses
nearby would be more efficient driver time. I know in my case, I have some
of my radio equipment purchases delivered to where I work and it can
sometimes be $10 or more dollars, less than having the same things shipped
to my house. My work is ok with me having packages delivered to the office.
If the pricing works out for you, check first with the business to make sure
they are ok with packages coming for you. It might also be cheaper to have
packages delivered to a UPS or FEDEX office instead of putting on a local
delivery truck to your house but I have never checked to see if they offer
or allow that as a specific program for less money. I do now you can alter
a delivery already in transit to your house, to have packages held at these
offices but I do not think that lowers the price of the delivery.
There definitely is a lower price for large items that come by Surface Truck
when delivery is to a business. They do not like having to run those trucks
into residential neighborhoods (fuel usage, size of trucks, time hunting in
a residential area, additional school zones, etc) plus the facilities to
unload at a business are often better. Forklift might be used for example
to unload multiple packages or larger packages that might be done by hand
but nobody really wants to lift. Say, an old HENRY 2k amplifier for
example. Or some businesses have docks that will match the floor height of
a surface truck; the truck folks really like that; faster load/unload times.
If a rear lift is required to make a residential drop for larger stuff, they
charge extra for routing one of the trucks in their fleet that would be
equipped with a lift like that. Obviously an Omni VII or other radio will
ship UPS or FEDEX instead but still cheaper to have them drop it off at a
business. If you are not at home to receive the package, it could be safer
to have it dropped at a business too.
And finally, there are some companies that used to require shipments go to
the recipients billing address but I think that is rarer today. Too many
people have a different mailing address versus their billing address.
Gene / K7TXO
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Carling
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 6:09 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] order
Thanks. I think they still overcharged me and used a very flimsy box. No big
deal though.
Best regards - Bry Carling
> On Jul 18, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Jim Carragher <k7ikn2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Shipping for the Omni 7 with PS and encoder is $27.50 to Nevada.
>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Brian Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com>
>> wrote:
>> How much do they want for shipping on a new one?
>> Best regards - Bry Carling
>>> On Jul 18, 2014, at 12:31 PM, Darrel <74010.2230 at compuserve.com> wrote:
>>> I placed an order for an Omni 7 on July 8th, via the Internet. An email
>> from Stan told me that delivery would be roughly 12 weeks.
>>> 73, Darrel, aa7fv.
>>>> I placed an order for an Omni 7 on July 7th on the phone. Today, the
>> 17th,
>>>> I received an e-mail stating it was being shipped. IMHO, ten days is
>> quick,
>>>> from order to shipping. Jim, K7IKN
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