[TenTec] Thanks

John Farler k4avx1 at windstream.net
Fri Jul 25 17:50:05 EDT 2014

Thanks for the help on the Eagle Amp switching, especially from Rick and Mike.  I don't expect to use it with an Amp during the W1AW/KY WEEK, but just wondered about the options.  I would like QSK on the Herc II, and I have a Dentron 1 kwer that I'd hook it to for the little extra on SSB.  It might work w/o qsk on the Herc thru the vox jack, I think it is.
Yeah, I've been on a FD when a goofy ICOM Wiper everyone else out on every band (and older one).  I don't participate anymore - the group for the most part doesn't have a clue.  Thanks again...
John, K4AVXi

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