Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Mon Jul 28 03:53:10 EDT 2014

Wow John!  You're faster than a speeding bullet!

The second problem is a bit more complicated.  It is when working within the
Band Map.
I don't think you have tried the Band Map yet.  It gets a little more
complicated now.

In order to see this problems, you have to have real time feeds coming into
the computer via a Telnet connection.
These are CW SKIMMER spots that populate the Band Map.  
Once you have initiated the Telnet connection and opened the Band Map, it
takes a little time (few minutes) but spots will begin to populate the band

How it "should" work:  If you double click on a call sign, the radio should
jump to that frequency and be ready to transmit.

How it "currently" works:  It jumps to the correct frequency, then defaults
to a single sideband mode (I don't recall if it was USB or LSB, but it
always reverts to that mode, as if it were a default).

The recovery of course is to punch the Mode button a couple of times to get
back into the mode you were working in.
THIS IS THE PROBLEM!  It should not be changing modes when it jumps to a new
spot frequency.

Earlier I posted links to "BandMaster".
I have a hunch the BandMaster program will have the same problem.
If so, it will be easier to test it there because BandMaster will work with
or without Telnet [real-time] spots.
If no Telnet is used, it updates through the Internet every 5 minutes or so.
That makes no difference for the purpose of testing.

I want to install BandMaster today and test this and make sure my hunch is
I have never used BandMaster because it was in my logging program.


Please click on the following link and look at the sample bandmap window
directly to the right of the title line "Band Maps Context ment".

This window shows the band you are on as a vertical scale.
It lists the stations on the band that are calling CQ.
If the call sign is in italics and grayed out, you have already worked the
If it is in black, it is a new contact, but not a multiplier.
If it is in some other color than black, it is a multiplier.
Which color will vary from one contest to another and one multiplier type to

A description is found here:
(you may have to patch the link in order to see the page; our reflector
likes to break long links).

Or like this:
There are tiny "Radio Buttons" for Radio 1 and Radio 2 near the top of the
screen on the right.
They simply have a "1" and a "2" in them.  Click on "1" to open the Band Map
for Radio 1.

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of John Henry
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 11:44 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: [TenTec] WIN-TEST OmniRig Eagle

I had a few other things I had to take care of before I was able to get back
to this an hour ago, and I do have a preliminary Eagle.ini file for omnirig.

reads/writes the VFO A frequency,
reads/writes the VFO B frequency,
reads/writes split state

I need to check the read/write for the mode, but will do that tomorrow.

At least I have it mostly there.

Other than those four things...
A Freq, B Freq, Split, Mode,
Anything else this absolutely HAS to cover?

I'm testing it with Win-Test version 4.11.0-DXP Thanks to Laurent's help
getting me started and pointing me where to go, well, in a good way,  hi hi

Possible things to program into the omnirig ini file includes:
(X in front means available in the Eagle serial / USB interface)
X  pmFreq          operating frequency
(assuming that pmFreq means the same as pmFreqA)
X  pmFreqA         VFO A frequency
X  pmFreqB         VFO B frequency
    pmPitch         CW pitch frequency
    pmRitOffset     RIT offset frequency
    pmRit0          Clear RIT - this is a write-only parameter
X  pmVfoAA         receive and transmit on VFO A
X  pmVfoAB         receive on VFO A, transmit on VFO B
    pmVfoBA         receive on VFO B, transmit on VFO A
    pmVfoBB         receive and transmit on VFO B
    pmVfoA          receive on VFO A, transmit VFO unknown
    pmVfoB          receive on VFO B, transmit VFO unknown
    pmVfoEqual      copy the frequency of the receive VFO to the transmit
    pmVfoSwap       swap frequencies of the receive and transmit VFO's
X   pmSplitOn       enable split operation
X   pmSplitOff      disable split operation
    pmRitOn         enable RIT
    pmRitOff        disable RIT
(sorry, RIT not available via CAT protocol in the firmware, so I can't set
this up in the Eagle.ini file, I should add it someday though, would help
contesters with CATs (not dogs, lol) )
    pmXitOn         enable XIT
    pmXitOff        disable XIT
(sorry, XIT not a feature in the Eagle, so, can't be added)
X  pmRx            enable receive mode
X  pmTx            enable transmit mode
    pmCW_U          CW mode, upper sideband
X  pmCW_L          CW mode, lower sideband
X  pmSSB_U         USB mode
X  pmSSB_L         LSB mode
X  pmDIG_U         Digital mode (RTTY, FSK, etc.), upper sideband
(implemented as upper side band)
X  pmDIG_L         Digital mode, lower sideband
(implemented as lower side band)
X  pmAM            AM mode
X  pmFM            FM mode

Thanks, and 73,
John Henry, KI4JPL
TEN-TEC Engineering, a Division of RFConcepts LLC
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