[TenTec] Found - more readible versions of Ten Tec Corsair signal block diagram and main chassis wiring diagram

K8JHR jrichards at k8jhr.com
Mon Jul 28 16:01:36 EDT 2014

I maintain a huge collection of TT manuals and stuff I scanned to PDF 
files for Scott Robbins when he was still TT product manager... could 
you send me a copy for my collection, and I can pass it on to others in 
due course?

It is possible I broke the schematic into multiple scans when I did that 
for him... some of the manual schematics are printed on an larger than 
normal size paper and would not fun through my sheet fed scanner...so I 
had to copy them on multiple normal size sheets...       ;-(

Thanks. --------  JHR -------------


On 7/28/2014 10:18 AM, Steve Ireland wrote:
> G’day
> After some searching around, I found higher resolution versions


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