[TenTec] Eagle and Mac computer help

Marc Veeneman via TenTec tentec at contesting.com
Tue Jun 17 13:31:18 EDT 2014

My extensive conversation about the need to purchase a Microsoft license in order to manage TenTec products led me to a simple conclusion.  They've made their decision deliberately and are satisfied with the result.

My old Omni C is the final TenTec product in our exclusively Mac/Linux/iOS household.  I'm pleased with two recent Elecraft system purchases.  Elecraft seem much more in touch with current thinking in the Ham community.  In my mind, they are the new TenTec.
Marc AC8QR

> On Jun 17, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Jim GM <jim.gmforum at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your comments.  Sure wish Ten Tec should support  a Driver to
> Run on the Mac to update the radio.
> If Logging programs can interface to the Eagle why can't Ten Tec come up
> with a Native Driver for Mac to update their radio?
> I would have to buy Windows 7 just for updates? Windows is a memory hog ans
> slows down the computer as well.  Takes forever to load. I deleted XP long
> ago and willl not go back. Pepe WP3HW sums up my other frustrations with
> Windows.
> From what I gather from Dayton, Ten Tec attitude about Mac is that Mac
> users are just a small group of people and of no concern to them.  They did
> not even acknowledge that there are logging programs Native to Mac
> interface to the Eagle with no problems. Little do they know that there is
> a large majority using Mac products and is growing larger for various
> reasons.
> My 2 cents worth.
> I have a Omini 6 Plus with 400, 600, 1800 and 3000 HZ filters and Both
> roofing filters With Power supply, 523 Auto tuner, Hercules II 500 watt amp
> with power supply, Wiring harness to connect all 3 unit to work as one unit
> and the remote freq controller FOR SALE!
> -- 
> Jim K9TF
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