[TenTec] Help needed with Paragon II alignment

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Tue Mar 25 22:09:39 EDT 2014

Sounds like a "done deal" to me.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Kenward" <k8vf_mark at centurytel.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Help needed with Paragon II alignment

> Hi again, Bob. Yes I did my settings while at 14 mHz and that's where I 
> had the rig from the start.
> Set it up just as you did, had it on an hour or more, and lid on, replaced 
> after any adjustment.
> Well, I am within 30 hz on each end,(high at one end and low at the other) 
> and closer in the middle so I will call it ok.
> On the BFO's, as I said, if I did them in order, I couldn't get close on 
> the  cwT adjustments. (close to 1000Hz)Other than the FSK bfos being set 
> off intentionally because I had to, all else was as you said.
> Ref oscillator was easy enough to get to, I slid the shield off to the 
> side, pulled a couple Mass connectors to get at a test point, and cap is 
> bottomed out, or topped out-rocking it back and forth to get it right on 
> and that is it.
> Thanks for all your advice and friendly assistance in the past.
> Sounds like I can button it up.
> Best regards,
> Mark Kenward
> K8VF
> I've repaired and aligned several of the Paragon and Paragon II radios. 
> This includes the ones I owned personally.
> I always strived to set the BFO oscillators to be "dead nuts on" with an 
> accuracy of 1 Hz or better. There is some interaction between the 
> adjustments and I've found that going over the alignment for these some 3 
> or 4 times was found to be necessary. Since these "rocks" are not highly 
> temperature compensated some warm uptime is required and even then they 
> willvary with temperature. Specially true if running a high demand mode 
> such as RTTY that heats the inside of the case. My counter will capture 
> the low and high values over a period of time. I usually allow the radio 
> to warm up in receive with the cover on, make adjustments, lay the cover 
> back on and then allow it to warm again. Frankly I'm not sure how prudent 
> this method turns out to be. But I did spend several hours analyzing the 
> drift of the oscillators over time and over a temperature range.
> The master osc is quite stable and is easy to adjust and it generally 
> stays put.
> In general I felt that if I could get all bands to be less than +/- 50 Hz 
> that I had a good alignment job. What you find is about typical of my 
> notes. If you get it correct on 160M then it will be off by 2x that amount 
> on 10M. If you get it correct on 10 MHz then the error will be about as 
> you find, or about 30 Hz or less, depending on band. The further one gets 
> away from the 10 MHz reference the worse it gets either up or down.
> The manual that I have states: "Frequency accuracy: +/- 50 Hz @ 25 degrees 
> C." From this info looks like your results are quite good.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Kenward" 
> <k8vf_mark at centurytel.net>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 6:59 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] Help needed with Paragon II alignment
> Greetings.
> I recently got a Paragon II and it was out of adjustment. (Formerly 
> belonged to Federal Highway Dept?)
> I set BFO's as well as possible.
> Basically has to set fsk bfo's off a bit to get the LSB/USB/and CW 
> Transmit to be on freq. Which they now are. I dont use FSK.
> Set reference oscillator frequency.
> NOW, the rig works fine on transmit and receive, BUT:
> tx/rx are right on freq at 10 mHz.
> BELOW 10 mHz I am 10-30 Hz high.
> ABOVE 10 mHz I am 10-30 Hz low.
> The off set starts at -30 at 160 mtrs, closer as you go up in freq, till 
> 10 mHz, then drops about 10 cycles more per band as you go up to 10 
> meters.
> Obviously I have something buggered up.
> The only other thing I adjusted was to set the PBT, which shouldnt affect 
> this, I do not believe.
>  The rig is rock solid, and doesn't drift, so I would like to get it spot 
> on.
> Can anyone help me here?
> Mark
> K8VF
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