[TenTec] Panadapters
Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP
Rick at DJ0IP.de
Wed May 7 15:58:13 EDT 2014
We had an expanded ham vocabulary...
"calling CQ and tuning"
73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dalton
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 9:33 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Panadapters
How did we ever get by with those analog dials in the 1960's and 1970's?
Dalton - W4WUQ
Sent from my iPad
> On May 7, 2014, at 2:29 PM, "Bob McGraw - K4TAX" <RMcGraw at Blomand.net>
> That's exactly why I purchased an amp that uses a single 3-500ZG.
> Within the past 60 days I've had 10 radios across the bench and from
different brands/models. Although the frequency display seemed very
precise, none were correct and some were off as much as 200 Hz. The most
accurate was +2Hz on 75M but progressively got worse as the frequency
increased to 6M.
> I have one coming in next week that is reported to be 70 Hz high on 75M.
Oh my, what a crisis.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP"
> <Rick at DJ0IP.de>
> To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Panadapters
>> Wade, the problem with your strategy is, you can't get "good" new
>> tubes anymore.
>> The last good source for 572B's ceased producing them a while back
>> and RF-Parts temporarily removed the tube from its sales.
>> Apparently they have found a new source now, but each time they have
>> had to do that, the tubes were worse than those from their previous
>> BTW, did you ever solve that 30 Hz problem? ;-)
>> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
>> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Wade
>> Staggs
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 6:10 PM
>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Panadapters
>> *Please, build that Tube Type Rig!..... I can see the Appliance
>> Operators pulling their hair out as I write this message. I had a
>> young fellow on a State Wide Net, recently tell me that my station was 20
Hz low in frequency.
>> And my understanding was that Net Control is the frequency standard
>> to tune to! Reading my Net Preamble again, pointing out the part that
>> says on or about 3xxx KHz. We also expressed thanks to him for
>> telling me that, my 33 year old Paragon is only 20 Hz out of
>> alignment. Checking further that day, with good test equipment, maybe
>> his KenYaeCom needs some attention. And we know several folks who
>> could never Tune Up any Tube Type rig. I can see the Magical Mushroom
>> Clouds of Smoke .... Screaming towards the Ceiling in their Shacks
>> ..... * *Please, build us some nice radios. I have just enough time
>> left to own another great station before assuming room temperature.
>> We can only wonder what the guy mentioned above, would have said
>> about my ( built by me
>> ) Heathkit SB-101. Maybe, we will call the Net next time with the
>> SB-101 and it turned on cold. Just my Rant for the day. My vote would
>> be for a Modular Approach. What radio will even nail down another SSB
>> rig as 20 Hertz off frequency? Hey, here is an idea, what about a new
Hybrid Rig?
>> Beats the pants off these badly needed 50 volt Finals in the new
>> rigs. My vote is for a conservatively rated 200 Watt radio with One
>> 572B Tube as the PA. The old Hybrids sure do a Great Job....... hi hi
>> ...........*
>> *
>> 73 from Wade/KJ4WS*
>>> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 7:58 AM, John Henry <jhenry at tentec.com> wrote:
>>> There are as many wishes for what a panadapter should be and how it
>>> should be used as there are hams in the market. They fall into a few
>>> main classes though (and no, I'm not ranking classes, just
>>> identifying, geesh, don't shoot me. and yes, I'm glad my name is
>>> John Henry, he he he DJ0IP, lol) Don't cut down the need for
>>> something that is a tantamount feature for someone else. Just
>>> different is all. If there was a one size fits all, then would it be
>>> a Wyndam antenna or a Yagi or something from those Spidery people?
>>> Or is it a Begali or one of those from Mr. Robbins? Come on, pick
>>> one, you can't have anything
>> else. See, one shoe does not fit all.
>>> There are those that will never use it, because they just want to
>>> "surf the web", er, uh, "surf the air" to find someone popping out,
>>> the way it has been done for many many decades. Nothing wrong with
>>> this, so, let them have their rig, at the cost appropriate for that rig.
>>> There are those that just want something running real time on the
>>> rig, no real features, maybe a gain adjustment, but they want it on
>>> the rig so that when they take it with them, it is still there, e.g.
>>> Field Day. So, maybe it is an option to the rig of the "surf the air"
>>> There are those that want a bit more functionality on the rig with
>>> the sweep, e.g. scrolling to the freq they want to see without
>>> moving the VFO, then hitting an Enter button, boom, they are there.
>>> There are those that want it as a display option of the rig, like a
>>> panadapter such as the P3. It works great with the K3, KX3, and the
>>> frequency readouts track. Works well with others, only drawback is
>>> you lose the scrolling on the panadapter / click button to control
>>> the rig. But, that too is sufficient for hams, they see the band,
>>> and can move there quickly with the rig controls, be it on a PC or
>>> on the front panel. Again, another option.
>>> There are those that will never give up the SDR to the sound card
>>> running their favorite HPSDR/PowerSDR-IF/etc. In my mind, that is
>>> the ultimate integration giving one the flexibility because they can
>>> pick the $39 SDR or the $5k SDR to give them the performance they
>>> want that
>> makes them happy.
>>> Just provide the I/Q or IF output, and let this guy enjoy his world.
>>> To me, IF output should be standard anyway on any rig produced...
>>> well, maybe not down into the 506 cost range, but heck, 9MHz IF is
>>> on the 506 anyway, just solder a wire, put in a buffer amp, and
>>> boom, you have a band sweep from your $200 QRP rig, fun fun fun to some.
>>> YOUR usage pattern is different from others and you may want
>>> something different than their neighbor or cousin or even XYL.
>>> So, concentrate on what you like about which one you like the best,
>>> bring up the reason why you like it best, and be happy that your XYL
>>> can disconnect your SDR and use it on the front panel as she / he
>>> wants it when they are on the rig.
>>> TEN-TEC has to find a happy medium, or provide options for all of
>>> the above.
>>> If TEN-TEC is to satisfy the guy who wants it built into the Orion
>>> III, then TEN-TEC has to finish the 588 sweep board to prove the
>>> concept and then migrate it into the "next big TEN-TEC rig".
>>> For now, get the rig you want that we have, enjoy it, and rest
>>> assured that over time, maybe next year or the next, who knows what
>>> you will see on the market from TEN-TEC or our competitors. We all
>>> make great stuff that fills the shack of amateur operators. For me,
>>> the main reason for this is still to just have fun, AND to be ready
>>> to assist
>> others in emergency situations.
>>> I still think there is a market for a totally analog rig, no uP, no
>>> features other than mode/band/frequency/rfgain/afgain, the backup
>>> for the EMP, that also means no transistors... hmmm cost, well,
>>> probably prohibitive, but, I still wish there was a way for that rig
>>> to be made as it would fill just about every prepper/emergency
>>> management hams shack and sit in the background covered in dust
>>> until everything else is non-functional.
>>> TEN-TEC IS working on things that will tread new ground, and lead
>>> the way in innovation in this market, and those will come out over
>>> time over this year, next year and beyond. We are also working on
>>> things customers have asked for, but maybe not in the way they
>>> originally thought, but, well, better. Plant a seed, and in time it will
>>> Working on things customers haven't asked for but once we get it
>>> out, they will wonder, what they ever did without it.... etc.
>>> 'nuff said, lots of code to write, projects to continue, etc.
>>> Thanks, and 73,
>>> John Henry, KI4JPL
>>> TEN-TEC Engineering
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