[TenTec] Alpha Amplifiers and TEN-TEC Merge

R. Eric Sluder - W9WLW via TenTec tentec at contesting.com
Mon May 12 22:18:08 EDT 2014

I'm already counting the coins in my Dr. Pepper bottle bank in hopes of having enough for a Patriot!  :-)


On May 12, 2014 3:16:33 PM EDT, John Henry <jhenry at tentec.com> wrote:
|Hi Gary,
|More details will be available at Dayton concerning the Patriot.
|We aren't ready yet to set a ship date or a price, still in the beta
|phase. Need another board turn from the units we have in hand. We are
|leveraging the success of the 506, and created a SSB/CW/Digital Mode
|version that customer have asked for. This is actually a very good
|making headways into the Maker Faire market pretty well right now, and
|getting some Maker Faire guys to get their ticket, and purchase Eagles
|other follow on TEN-TEC rigs.
|As all can see, TEN-TEC is innovating, always have been first in so
|things, and this is just another TEN-TEC first.
|And it WON'T be the last.
|Thanks, and 73,
|John Henry, KI4JPL
|TEN-TEC Engineering
|On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 3:08 PM, GARY ....
|> John, it would be great to see / hear more about the Patriot which
|> revealed in the announcement. Any timing on when Ten-Tec will put the
|> Patriot info on the website?
|> 73 & DX,
|> Gary - AB9M
|> -----Original Message----- From: John Henry
|> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 1:24 PM
|> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
|> Subject: [TenTec] Alpha Amplifiers and TEN-TEC Merge
|> TEN-TEC brands will continue on for many many years to come.
|> Alpha brands will continue on for many many years to come.
|> This is a great merger of two great companies that have been in the
|> business for 40+ years each individually.
|> Still continuing on their own brands in the amateur market and also
|in the
|> commercial market.
|> Combining strengths to be even stronger.
|> Technologies and experience that TEN-TEC has Alpha can now leverage.
|> Technologies and experience that Alpha has TEN-TEC can now leverage.
|> We now have a larger and more experience software staff than before,
|> of what can be imagined and made reality then.
|> Combining the RF and electrical teams, wow.
|> Can't really comment more.
|> You all now know the big announcement, well, actually both of them.
|> The merger, and the new 507. I'm sure there are other things that
|> follow suit.
|> Of course, yes, takes some time to merge the working groups. But it
|> definitely won't take two years, I see new products from this venture
|> much much quicker than that.
|> ok, back to work, software to write, projects to continue, etc.
|> As you can tell, really busy, so may not be able to answer on here
|> until after Dayton.
|> I'm excited.
|> Thanks, and 73,
|> John Henry, KI4JPL
|> TEN-TEC Engineering
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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