[TenTec] AA0CR?Richard Garrett?? SCAMMER!!!

Phil Sussman psussman at pactor.com
Mon May 26 15:14:38 EDT 2014

I agree with Bob; however, (as many will testify) neither E-Bay nor
their scion PayPal can be held accountable in a court of law.

Don't believe me? Check it out and be amazed.

A credit card does offer legal protections, a debit card not so much.

In all dealings .. caveat emptor !!

73 de Phil - N8PS

Quoting Bob McGraw - K4TAX <RMcGraw at Blomand.net>:

> I hate it when anyone looses money or goods or services to a crook.   
>  I have zero tolerance for anyone that is dishonest in any way.
> Honesty, fairness and professionalism seems to be a thing of the  
> past. However, it seems that might be the way things go these days.
> Although many have had issues, personally I have good success, this  
> is one reason I prefer E-Bay and PayPal as there is some ability to  
> obtain restitution.  Otherwise, I deal face-to-face and cash only.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark S. Holden"  
> <mark at holden-insurance.com>
> To: <denton at oregontrail.net>; <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] AA0CR?Richard Garrett?? SCAMMER!!!
>> The problem is wiring funds directly to a bank account means you  
>> don't know if the person you're dealing with really is the person  
>> at the address in the FCC Database.
>> Especially when the account is in the name of someone who appears  
>> to be unrelated to the person you're dealing with.
>> Woodforest National Bank is not in Washington DC.  It's in Rockford  
>> Illinois.
>> You probably should contact the Rockford PD.
>> The fact you have account information may help because since 911  
>> banks are pretty good about requiring proof of identity.   
>> Presumably crooks haven't had an account they use to commit crimes  
>> for more than 10 years.
>> But the crooks may also have stolen the identity of the person who  
>> owns the account.
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